Episode 13 - Decisions, Decisions [4th]

The last RPG was "Zeta Gundam: Tales from the Frontlines - The AEUG" which ran from 2006-14.
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((I'm finally back! Turns out I need to post as everyone I control, meaning I'm going to feel almost like Fritz for just a moment here... :lol: ...almost...))

-Captain Nathan Dombrowski

After a delay of several minutes without further orders, Nathan ordered his communications officer to put him in contact with the Dervish. The Minovsky was beginning to thin out, so he figured he should be able to establish contact with the flagship.

"Captain Abbey," Dombrowski said, rising to his feet and staring at the viewscreen, "permission to speak freely? With all due respect, sir, I feel I must protest that the actions of this fleet in this... skirmish... I do not think it appropriate to term it a battle... have not been efficiently coordinated. Our mobile suit teams acted randomly, chaotically, our fleet failed to provide proper fire support, we only succeeded because our enemies mysteriously decided to retreat for no apparent reason, and then... then, to top it all off, when our enemies turned and ran... we were ordered not to pursue! Sir, I have always had the utmost respect for you as an officer, and I truly hate to say these things now, but... I cannot help but feel that we did not fight effectively today. We had the enemy within our grasp, but we let them slip away... I am highly... disappointed... by the outcome of this skirmish. I hope that our next encounter with the Titans goes more smoothly... if it does not, I fear we may soon find ourselves facing annihilation... and that goes for the entire AEUG, not simply this fleet."

-Jim MacAlpin

((I think Fritz has been promoted, but I can't remember what rank he's at right now...))

Jim's thoughts were interrupted by Fritz's approach. He turned to face his CO.

"Frit-Lieutenant Ashlyn? What seems to be the matter... sir?"

-Caroline Tucker

Idly biting the edge of her left thumbnail, Caroline made her way to the break room. She was looking for some grape juice. She wasn't sure if the ship had any, but she figured if they did, it'd be in the break room. She was somewhat surprised to find Lt. Anderson there.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Lieutenant! I didn't expect to see you here, sir!"

She snapped to attention and saluted crisply, but, due to her rapid movements under microgravitic conditions, she accidentally threw herself into a slow spin. With a squeal she steadied herself by quickly grabbing onto the back of a nearby chair.

"Umm... sorry about that, sir."
Don't call it a comeback...
...in fact, it's best if you forget I was ever here before.
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Vantz leaned back in his Nemo's cockpit chair. He tried to relax and calm himself down, but to no avail. His body started shaking as he recalled the battle, and how close he'd come to death.

Vantz ripped off his helmet and gagged. Barely keeping himself from throwing up, he cradled his head in his hands. "Uggh...I can't ever do that again...never again..."

He popped open the cockpit hatch and climbed out into the Chuikov;s hangar. He sluggishly made his way to his room, and fell on the bed. In a few moments, he'd passed out.
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Fritz Ashlyn
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- The Dervish -
- Hangar -

Already realizing the irony of what he was about to say, Fritz stopped himself from floating past Jim. "Frit-Lieutenant Ashlyn? What seems to be the matter... sir?” MacAlpin asked, his demeanor changing. Fritz frowned slightly and said, “JG, you came out of your mobile suit looking like you were ready to lay somebody out and you knew just where to find them. What’s on your mind?”. If he was going to be a team leader, he’d have to get used to this sort of thing again. As soon as the last word passed his lips he noticed Jack talking to Celeste, and then the reporter taking her away by the arm. He distractedly waited for Jim’s answer as the two women headed for an exit.

Closer to the ready room, Michiko gave a friendly smile as Wes approached. "Hey, Michiko. What's up with Fritz?" Curren asked, "He doesn’t look to be in the best mood...". Michiko folded her arms and shook her head, “I’m not sure. When we got to the other side of their fleet it was like he suddenly knew exactly what he was doing. He got close to that black Hizack and stopped moving. If they were talking I was too far away and too busy to hear anything,”. She fidgeted with the cuff of her sleeve as she watched Fritz and Jim.

- Bridge -

Eddie Eckardy happened to enter the bridge during a lull in the great debate. Wade chuckled at Eddie’s wink to Jane, and Abbey happily turned to the lieutenant commander and away from Gates, who gave them both a blank but appropriately haughty stare. “Hey sir, I got some stuff to report. My team is all fine, we didn't take any damage, but we did spot something interesting when we hit the Titan formation. They had some Musai type ships with 'em,” Eddie reported with a quick salute. “Musais?” Abbey repeated, his brow furrowing as he pondered the new development. Filmore perked up and turned slightly in his chair to listen in. Gates grumbled, “Sounds like the Republic got invited to the party,”. Abbey shook his head and finally said, “Thank you, Eddie. You’re free to go if there’s nothing else,”.

Jane piped up before the captain had settled back into his seat, “Sir, video coming in from the Chuikov...”. The viewscreen jumped to life, filled with the image of an irritated Capt. Dombrowski. "Captain Abbey," he began as he rose from his chair, "permission to speak freely? With all due respect, sir, I feel I must protest that the actions of this fleet in this... skirmish... I do not think it appropriate to term it a battle... have not been efficiently coordinated. Our mobile suit teams acted randomly, chaotically, our fleet failed to provide proper fire support, we only succeeded because our enemies mysteriously decided to retreat for no apparent reason, and then... then, to top it all off, when our enemies turned and ran... we were ordered not to pursue! Sir, I have always had the utmost respect for you as an officer, and I truly hate to say these things now, but... I cannot help but feel that we did not fight effectively today. We had the enemy within our grasp, but we let them slip away... I am highly... disappointed... by the outcome of this skirmish. I hope that our next encounter with the Titans goes more smoothly... if it does not, I fear we may soon find ourselves facing annihilation... and that goes for the entire AEUG, not simply this fleet."

Gates rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh as Abbey angrily surged out of his seat and stood up on his chair’s footrests. “Nathan, of all the piss poor times for you to think about losing confidence in my abilities... For Chrissake, captain, we were out there to keep the Titans out of Von Braun City! That wasn’t a goddamned tea party, it was a defensive operation! We formed a line and they didn’t cross it! And I don’t know how you run your ship, Nathan, but I don’t make it a habit of providing ‘fire support’ through a friendly ship and into our own mobile suits! Our objectives were met with ONE pilot casualty and a damaged ship. An effective captain knows how to keep his men alive. An effective captain knows when to hold position and not pursue an obvious feint attack. Nathan, I consider you my right hand man for a reason, and it isn’t because you second guess my methods,” Abbey harangued the Chuikov’s skipper right back. Filmore whistled at the display and Jungst whispered for him to shut up.

“I can see you favor pursuit. You’ll be happy to know there are others who share your opinion,” Abbey continued, his tone much calmer. He shot a wicked glance at Gates before adding, “We’re still officially attached to the Von Braun unit, and we don’t know what is going on there at the moment. But...” he reluctantly said as he removed his hat and rubbed his forehead, “I have decided we are going to pursue Taskforce Echo away from Luna for several reasons,”. He replaced his hat and shook his head as Gates’s mouth spread into a smug grin. “Nathan, I need you and André to be on the same page as me during all of this. We’re the core of this fleet. If anything happened to me you’d be in charge. What we don’t need is a monumental pissing contest in the middle of an operation as a distraction. If you have any other concerns feel free to contact me personally after the fleet is underway,”.

- The Gela -
- Sick Bay -

The captain was guided over to Lt. Barrique’s bed and he nodded to the two pilots that had already arrived. He waited for a pause in their conversation before clearing his throat and smiling down at his wounded team leader. “I’m glad you’re awake, lieutenant. When I heard you were brought in unconscious I feared the worst,”.

- Bridge -

After he talked with Capt. Abbey, Jackson turned back to his work station to coordinate the repair crews with Mark Hall. Without looking up from the bank of monitors he stood at, he gruffly asked, “Ens. Korbel, is there something you need?”.

- The Dervish -
- Bridge -

After a few minutes of proper conversation and planning with Wade at the helm station, Abbey turned back to his chair and stared down Gates as he moved to sit back down. The captain sighed and shook his head again, and just as he raised his hand to give an order to Jane and Wade, Gates asserted, “I’m not going to gloat, Carl. I’ll only say ‘I told you so’. I know we’re in good hands with you in command,”. Abbey grumbled and continued his original sweeping arm motion. “Ms. Alman, inform the fleet we’re moving out. Line formation. Chuikov, Gela, Hamburg, New Yark, Thunderchild. Cruising speed until we’re clear of friendly territory. Pass along the data Wade and I came up with on the enemy’s projected retreat angle,”. The bridge went back to work again, and the captain reached for the handset on his armrest as the ship barely shuddered as the engines fired up.

- Hangar -

After the call from the bridge, Sager worked his way across the hangar until he found Lt. David from Team 3. “I was looking for Clute, but you’ll do. Captain sent me to tell you to make sure the kid doesn’t break ranks again like that. He’s letting this one go since none of you got hurt, but don’t let it happen agai– HEY!” he began, but he suddenly turned away from Jack and yelled at some of his crew. His voice projected all the way across the hangar and even managed to penetrate the ruckus of clanging metal and power tools. He shifted past Jack and continued, “YEAH, YOU! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DARK PAINT? ...THE PAINT! THE STUFF IN YOUR HAND, YOU IDIOT!”. He kicked off the floor to close in on his target: a group of mechanics who had set up a compressor to give Jack’s Rick Dias a coat of dark blue paint from the ship’s remaining store.
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Die Anti-brutale Kraft: Fritz Ashlyn

Hey! why don't you swing on down to the RPG section? Tales from the Frontlines: The AEUG running strong since 2006!
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Jack smacks his forehead and winces. "Oops." And then smacks his forehead again. "Yeah, I was supposed to go get authorisation. Oh, crap. I didn't expect them to get started so soon.... sh*tsh*tsh*t."

He kicks off after Sager, and draws beside the NCO. "Sorry Chief, this was my fault," he says. "I asked if the crew could put low-viz colors on my Rick Dias; I'm a designated marksman/sniper, and I'll need the low-viz colors in order to effectively counter that Hiding Hizack out there. I'm a bit surprised that the repaint's started already, but I take full responsibility." He winces and shakes his head. "This is so not my week."

He doesn't have to look over his shoulder to know that Celeste and Celeine are probably making good their escape.

* * * * *

Clute and Jacob are still in the hangar, just a bit out of the way, and he raises an eyebrow as he tracks Sager's gaze to Jack's Rick Dias...

"It looks like I'm going to have a talk with all of my pilots," he says, shaking his head. The mechanics are holding dark blue paint instead of olive drab - it's probably a better camoflage color for space. Canisters of black and dark gray paint are by the feet of the Rick Dias, and Clute feels a headache coming on.

"Alright, Jacob," he says, acknowledging the young man's words and determination. "You've learned your lesson, I think. Go and get some chow. I'll find Jack and then meet you in the mess hall."

He kicks off and floats to Jack and Sager. "What's up?"

"Captain wants you to make sure the kid doesn't break ranks again," says Jack. "Oh, and I screwed up by asking the crew to put low vis colors on my Rick Dias without the proper authorisation. I had no idea the repairs would be finished so fast, i was thinking, repair 2 hours, 15 minutes to fill the authorisation form while eating, another 30 minutes to get it approved..." he sighs.

"This isn't your week," agrees Clute, saving his chewing out for private. "I'll chew you out later. Chief, could you please tell the Captain that I've seen to the kid? Ensign Markado won't be breaking rank anymore. And now, I have to find Celeste."

Clute sighs. His team is giving him new headaches.
I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have no regrets, this is my only path.
So as I pray, "Unlimited Blade Works."
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--The Dervish--

"I’m not sure. When we got to the other side of their fleet it was like he suddenly knew exactly what he was doing. He got close to that black Hizack and stopped moving. If they were talking I was too far away and too busy to hear anything." Michiko replied before fidgeting with her uniform. Curren raised an eyebrow as he watched the CO have a talk with the Zeke, while the other guys from Team 3 also ends their little chat.

"People seem to have alot to talk about... I wouldnt be surprised if all of these little 'chats' and occurances were tied up in one way or another," Wes says with a sigh, "It's to be expected I guess, since I've heard that you guys seem to keep fighting against the same Titans team over and over right?"

From the catwalk, Wes could see some sort of concerned look on both men's faces. He could only assume that the conversation wasnt a good one, or at least there was something up. He resisted the urge to just float over and ask what the hell was going on since he always seemed to be left out on this information. But it wasnt exactly his style to butt into these things either.
ShadowCell wrote:"Poor fool, ShadowCell!" you say. "You can't win against fandom stupidity with the Power of the Mod!"
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"That....that....." Celeine couldn't help but stutter on at the sheer...audacity of that pain-in-the-ass, Johnny-Come-Lately, hypocritical, rambling nutcase!

She paused as she realized that she said that out-loud; not exactly a shout, but she wouldn't be surprised if more then Celeste heard her.

"Well, those are four of the five, I'll tell you the last when I think you're sufficently drunk enough not to blush," she tried to recover with as much dignity as possible.
I mean when you spend precious seconds to give an "All Your Nukes Are Belong To Us" speech before you even start the Gundam up, you know you're too overzealous for your own good.~wza
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wonton bob
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- The Gela -
- Bridge -

“Ens. Korbel, is there something you need?”

Damn this guy has super hearing.

"Ah no sir, just letting you know were down a suit and don't have parts to repair it till we get back to Von Braun."

Bernard realizes that he's out of place here and clearly not wanted. Without pushing it he makes his way toward the door, disappointed at not gaining any information on the situation.

"I had some experience patching up things so I'll head over to help the repair crews and see what I can do."

Ours not to reason why, just do and die.. hmm I wonder where I picked that up from. Hopefully there isn't much to fix on this old bucket. I should pop in to see the Lt. ... nah, probably sick of visitors. That's how I felt...
"War is some crazy sh**" - alexander the great
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Jacob glances over at Jack and Sager, frowning a bit at the interruption. But relief is clear on his face as Clute goes to put out the latest fire started by the pilots under his command.

He salutes, though Tideland is already turned away from him. "Yes, Sir, thank you," he says. Yes, the young Ltjg. did just thank his commanding officer for chewing him out. Or perhaps he thanked him for not chewing him out even more.

He watches as Tideland, David and Sager begin discussing the repainting of Jack's Mobile Suit then kicks off the deck to the hallway that leads out of the hangar.

The young man pauses again as he catches a bit of the conversation between Celeste and Celeine but it becomes fairly obvious that they want some privacy. Not to mention the fact that he's fairly sure Celeste would have some unkind words for his actions on the battlefield so he grabs the nearest gripper and heads towards the mess hall. He passes members of the other two teams assigned to the Dervish along the way but doesn't pause to chat.
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Celeste chuckles slightly as she pulls Celeine the door.

“The battle might be over, but I’m still on duty. Wait `til be get back to Von Braun and maybe, just maybe you’ll see be get buzzed before you pass out. Now come on, let’s head to the observation deck, since everyone else will be heading towards the mess.”

She takes a final look at the retreated form of Jack David.

What’s wrong? Don’t you trust me anymore?

If Love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
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-Nathan Dombrowski

As soon as he heard the tone of Captain Abbey's reply, Nathan wanted to take back what he had said... but it was far too late, and he wasn't about to admit his wrong in front of his men. They needed the image of a confident, unapologetic leader, not a simpering, quivering brown-noser unwilling to contradict his commanding officer.

What he had said, he had said. There was no turning back.

-Jim MacAlpin

((If you don't mind, I'm slightly retconning this. In my original RPing of the actual battle, Jim never sighted the Republic of Zeon forces. I've decided that it would be better for character development if he had. None of his actual actions have changed, but the motivation for his withdrawl from the battle rather than supporting Wes has.))

Jim had intended his tumultuous thoughts on the battle to be private... but Fritz's reaction made it clear that his facial expressions had been signifigantly... less than private.

Jim tried to muster his usual confident grin, but he was only able to manage a limp, half-hearted smirk.

"Ahhh... nothing really major, sir... Just a bit mad at the Titans is all... They sicced six mobile suits on me at once, ruined a perfectly good fight... Yeah, that's it... That's all... nothing more..."

He tried to chuckle, to laugh it off as he usually would (if that was all that was on his mind), but his chuckle came uneasily, nervously.

He wasn't fooling anyone.
Don't call it a comeback...
...in fact, it's best if you forget I was ever here before.
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My 1st

(Hi everyone, I new here)

Jim Edwin Davidson (Jimmy)
-On board The Hamburg's-
-Mobile Suit Hanger-

Jimmy was walking around the Hamburg's mobile suit hanger, he feel excited that he was so lucky to be able to pilot one of the mobile suit even it just a Nemo, even as someone who been to battle in the OYW, he never get to see much mobile suits except those Zaku II which either he fight or run from in his tank battalion days back in OYW. He continues to walk around in the hanger while thinking of his past, it was not that long ago he signup for the AEUG and get assign to the Hamburg's, he haven’t get to know most of the member of the Hamburg's which he will try in this times of peace even if it only last for awhile, he still cant stop thinking of how the MS team his under now loss there team leader, he sure don’t want to die in the battlefield due to his own mistake. He feels an urgency to quickly try his best to rise up in the rank and hopefully get a new mobile suit, and somehow to help the AEUG to destroy the Titans which have taken his best friend life. He took a look at his standard Nemo, he never get tired of seeing those Nemo, for him Nemo almost look the same to a EFF GM which he love so much back in the OYW, but somehow feel odd by the green of the Nemo.

Hmm, guess I done in here, I better go touch up my skill before the next battle, sure hope I get to blow a Titan mobile suit in the next battle or atleast in the simulator.

Than with that Jimmy floats to the mobile suit simulator room.
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Jack turns and sees Celeste and Celeine float away, and catches the tail end of Celeine's words, and twitches. "Geez, I had no idea I pissed off women so fast," he says sarcastically, eyes narrowed. "Boss, permission to give an accident to that arrogant reporter lady?"


Jack grumbles something and dry-swallows a Diazepam pill, and scowls at the retreating backs of both women. Then he kicks off to move closer to them, and fires one last parting shot.

"Judge not and you shall not be judged," he calls out. "If you exist with your preconceptions wrapped around you like armor, you'll never see the truth: reality will be twisted to fit your perceptions.

"All I'm worried about is Celeste's state. That's all. No more, no less. Which is something I doubt a self-important reporter could understand. Afterall, it's not like you've ever had to kill a friend, or that you're the last person in your team alive, or that you fell in love with a Zeon pilot who dumped you for the concept that is Axis Zeon," he finishes bitterly.

He takes a breath, and says, "Nevermind. I needed to get that off your chest. Celeste, all I'm asking is that you trust us. We don't want to lose you to this Nick in case he's formed some sort of vendetta against you. That's all."
I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.
I have no regrets, this is my only path.
So as I pray, "Unlimited Blade Works."
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Fritz Ashlyn
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- The Dervish -
- Hangar -

As Sager nears the offending work station, Jack floats after him. “Oops... Yeah, I was supposed to go get authorisation. Oh, crap. I didn't expect them to get started so soon.... sh*tsh*tsh*t,”. Sager frowned, but not because of Jack. "Sorry Chief, this was my fault," Jack continues, "I asked if the crew could put low-viz colors on my Rick Dias; I'm a designated marksman/sniper, and I'll need the low-viz colors in order to effectively counter that Hiding Hizack out there. I'm a bit surprised that the repaint's started already, but I take full responsibility... This is so not my week."

Sager waved a distracted affirmative as he confirmed what he had spotted from across the hangar. “You morons are using the dark blue from LtCmdr. Ashlyn’s suit! Did you already paint the new binder you mounted on it?” he grumbled. “Uh...” one of the men hesitated as he backed away from the Rick Dias’ leg. Sager sighed and shook his head while Clute briefly talked to Jack. “...Chief, could you please tell the Captain that I've seen to the kid? Ensign Markado won't be breaking rank anymore. And now, I have to find Celeste,” Clute interjected. Sager turned back to the two pilots from Team 3 and nodded. “Yeah. No problem. And I’ll see about getting your suit painted properly, lieutenant. Consider me your authorization,” he said, crossing his arms with a smile.

Where Fritz and Jim were, the younger pilot tried to turn on his usual bravado, resulting in a wimpy self-conscious smile. "Ahhh... nothing really major, sir... Just a bit mad at the Titans is all. They sicced six mobile suits on me at once, ruined a perfectly good fight. Yeah, that's it... That's all... nothing more..." MacAlpin nervously chuckled. Fritz looked past him again at Celeste and Celeine. He could tell Jim was worried about something and lying to avoid talking about it. “Hn. I’ll discuss it with you later once you get some rest. Good work out there...” Fritz said, brushing Jim off as nicely as possible. He placed his right hand on Jim's shoulder to propel himself past the kid and after the women.

His path took him past Jack and Clute. "Geez, I had no idea I pissed off women so fast," he says sarcastically, eyes narrowed. "Boss, permission to give an accident to that arrogant reporter lady?". "Denied,". "Judge not and you shall not be judged," Jack called out after them. "If you exist with your preconceptions wrapped around you like armor, you'll never see the truth: reality will be twisted to fit your perceptions. All I'm worried about is Celeste's state. That's all. No more, no less. Which is something I doubt a self-important reporter could understand. Afterall, it's not like you've ever had to kill a friend, or that you're the last person in your team alive, or that you fell in love with a Zeon pilot who dumped you for the concept that is Axis Zeon," he snapped. He took a calming breath, and added, "Nevermind. I needed to get that off your chest. Celeste, all I'm asking is that you trust us. We don't want to lose you to this Nick in case he's formed some sort of vendetta against you. That's all,”.

Fritz tried to stop in midair and managed to squirm around and slow himself until he could drag a boot on the deck long enough to stop moving. “What,” he said. He looked Jack over before saying, “Stay away from the reporter. She’s my problem. Give Celeste all the support you want, but leave Nick and Celeine to me,”. It came out like a not-so-friendly piece of advice. Strangely enough, the usual edge in his voice was weaker than usual. Maybe it was fatigue. He glanced back at the girls to make sure they were still in sight before adding, “And I may talk to you later about Axis,” before turning to catch up with the pair.

Michiko had tried to read Jim’s lips while he talked to Fritz, but couldn’t make anything out. "People seem to have a lot to talk about,” Wes commented, “I wouldn’t be surprised if all of these little 'chats' and occurrences were tied up in one way or another,". He sighed and continued, "It's to be expected I guess, since I've heard that you guys seem to keep fighting against the same Titans team over and over right?". Michiko’s vision dropped to her boots and she nodded. “I guess so. Echo is what they’re called. They’re the ones that invaded my colony and destroyed an elementary school,”.

- The Gela -
- Bridge -

"Ah no sir, just letting you know were down a suit and don't have parts to repair it till we get back to Von Braun,” Bernard answered as he glided for the door. "I had some experience patching up things so I'll head over to help the repair crews and see what I can do."

As the door slid just behind him, Jackson smiled and said, “He’s a good kid. We got lucky with our replacements,”. Mark nodded and the two went back to work.

- The Dervish -
- Bridge -

Once the fleet started to move, Jane’s station quieted down a bit. A few minutes into the "pursuit", the Hamburg contacted the ship and Loweno’s sweaty face filled the viewscreen. He fanned himself with his hat as he started talking without waiting for Abbey to acknowledge him, “Carl! Repairs are going fine over here, but we had to muck with the climate control to work on our electronics and some lunkhead got it stuck on 86°F. I’ve got something else I want to ask you about,”. Abbey drummed his fingers and shrugged, “Go ahead,”. Loweno loosened his collar and whistled, “Damn stale air. Anyway, sir, you’ve already heard that Lt. Dixon was KIA during the battle. Damn shame. A couple of the guys from the Yark brought me a Hizack with a nice hole where the cockpit should be, and Lt. Barrique over on the Gela got himself and his Nemo busted up something fierce. Seems to me you could fix that Hizack up and give one of the boys on the Gela something to fly,”.

Abbey smiled and nodded, “That we could. Capt. von Gyuden has an emergency pilot ready to go, from what I understand. Sure you don’t want to claim that Hizack for your own team? I can have Sager get to work if you’re fine with Yurius taking it,”. Loweno grimaced and answered, “Captain, I’d honestly just like to get that Zeonic reject off my ship ASAP. If I can help out a friend in the deal, so be it,”.
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Die Anti-brutale Kraft: Fritz Ashlyn

Hey! why don't you swing on down to the RPG section? Tales from the Frontlines: The AEUG running strong since 2006!
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--The Dervish--

Wes went silent when Michiko mentioned Echo's attack on her home colony. He wasnt exactly one to know what to say to comfort people, and it made him uncomfortable as well when people are talking about things related to their problems.

"Dont worry, we'll get the your home colony back... and we'll make the Titans pay." Wes says trying to cheer Michiko up, "Echo's punishment is long overdue..."
ShadowCell wrote:"Poor fool, ShadowCell!" you say. "You can't win against fandom stupidity with the Power of the Mod!"
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-The Hamburg's-
-Mobile Suit Training Room-

"Man, I still unable to score kills of over three Zaku II even with a GM Custom in the simulator set in normal difficulty, it seem piloting a mobile suit in space is not that easy, wonder how I'm going to do in the next battle that may happen." With that Jimmy downloaded the result of his training into his personal data recorder. "I remember that there a Hizack in the hanger, maybe I should go see how does a Hizack look up close, may going to face one sooner or later again so better go see it out, if luck would have it, who know I may able to find information from it exterior that could help me in the battlefield against one of this thing". With that Jimmy went to the hanger, on the way he heard crew members chatting about the Hizack, it seem that the Hizack could be transferring out from the Hamburg’s, with that in mind Jimmy was hopping that he wont be late to see the Hizack even for a short period of time.

-Mobile Suit Hanger-

Jimmy float pass few Nemo on his way to the Hizack, it seem that there already engineers at the place where the Hizack is place getting ready it for the trip to the ship that the Hizack going to be assign to. From few feet’s far, Jimmy was looking at the Hizack, he recorded what he can about the Hizack in his personal recorder, but the image of the Hizack really remind him of the Zaku II he face in the OYW, than a memory flash back, “Wow, a hot day again in this jungle, never seem to stop.” Than a young boy say, “Ya, it been this way for a long time since the colony drop, those Zeon really cause havoc to the earth environment.” Jimmy continues to drive his jeep on the scout mission he was sent on by his commanding officer, but he feels lucky that his best friend in the team was with him on this scouting mission. Suddenly Jimmy heard something from afar, it sound like something big was moving in the jungle, he quickly try to drive the jeep closer to the source of the sound, “Yo, Sam what do you think that make those sound?” Sam Barton: “It could be a Mobile Suit, most likely a Zeon MS because I remember the big man said that there is no Federation MS around.” Than suddenly Jimmy saw a missile coming, he instantly jumps of the jeep. BOOM, Jimmy was flung through the air due to the explosion, he landed on an area with tall grasses which hide his body, in his semi conscious state he saw a Zaku II moving away than he fainted. Later on when he wakes up he was in the base hospital getting treated for his injuries, “Where is Sam Barton, doctor? Is he Ok?” the doctor will stay quiet every time Jimmy ask this question during he stay at the hospital. Than suddenly Jimmy snap out of his flash back due to a screwdriver that was drop by an engineer working on the Hizack. Jimmy eye is wet, he never was able to forget the death of one of his friend back in his early days as a soldier. He remember that after that event he promise if any of his best friend was to lost there life due to getting kill, he would fight to avenge there death, this is one of the reason he was in AEUG is to avenge his good old friend Dave Anderson death in London due to a Titan member. “Guess I better go to my room for a rest” with that Jimmy went to his room for a rest.
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Location: clutching the roof of a bus

- Salamis Kai-class Gela -
- Sick Bay -

Darren couldn't quite believe the news when he heard it. He had been on the emergency mobile-suit pilot list since early July, but so far the Gela's 'luck' had held. When his shift buddies on the engineering crew had told him about Lt. Barrique's unforunate crash, he had thought it best to visit the injured pilot as soon as possible, if not to confirm his temporary pilot status then to simply wish him well.

To the nervous engineer, the Sick Bay wasn't exactly comfortable. It smelled like a sterotypical hospital, aggressively clean, and the nurses were more concerned with whatever clipboard their eyes were glued to than to give Darren directions. He finally found a sympathetic nurse who pointed him in the right direction and soon found himself at the door to Lt. Barrique's room.

There were two other pilots in the room with the Lieutenant, and it didn't seem as though they had noticed him in the doorway yet.

"Well here goes everything..." Darren chuckled to himself.

"Excuse me sirs, I hope I'm not interrupting..." Darren said, tapping his knuckles on the door to get their attention. He took one step inside the room now, and saluted, looking toward the bedridden Barrique. "Ensign Darren Traubel, sir, from Engineering. I was informed I was placed on emergency pilot status? I just thought I'd come check up on you and introduce myself, sir."
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Location: In the cockpit..

A round of laughter was shared momentarily among the three Gela pilots present, mostly at Richard's expense. Though, as self conscious as he could be at times..it seemed that he really didn't mind it much at all. In fact, he was laughing with them. He didn't realize this though, until the captain cleared his throat with a quite audible "Ahem."

"I’m glad you’re awake, lieutenant. When I heard you were brought in unconscious I feared the worst."

"Well, sir..it was all luck. Luck that I didn't get speared in the 'pit by one of those shots, ... luck that I managed to have a good tech crew under me ... that made my Nemo "something short" of unwreckable, ... and a whole lotta luck that Bernard found me when he did."

Richard could be seen struggling with his speech, the damage to his ribcage causing much trouble with his breathing and thusly, ability to speak without being labored about it. On that note, Norman made another of his snide comments..

"Well, Rich... I didn't think lying in bed like you are would be as taxing as running the Boston Marathon.. Since that's the case, take a load off for a while, as it looks like I'm in charge by default until you can get your sorry arse into rehab and back into the cockpit of a Nemo."

Al, trying his best to keep his composure, nervously chuckled as a response to Norman's comment, though knowing too well that he shouldn't. After all, what'd Bernie think? Shaking his nerves loose momentarily, he excused himself from the room to grab a bite to eat and something to drink, having not done so in over 12 hours. With that, the young ensign kicked out of the room and round a corner, only to almost bump into another visitor to the ward.

And, like Al, this one was a bit young too. The second ensign halted in the doorway, wrapping his knuckles on the doorframe to catch the group's attention.

"Excuse me sirs, I hope I'm not interrupting ... Ensign Darren Traubel, sir, from Engineering. I was informed I was placed on emergency pilot status? I just thought I'd come check up on you and introduce myself, sir."

The young engineer gave a crisp salute to his officially superior officers, but like many in the AEUG, the three waved off the formalities. Norman was the first to speak, partially in Richard's place, and partially because Richard was slow on the draw.

"Yeah, as far as we know you've been bumped to the active duty roster. Good to have you aboard, though I dunno how you expect to fight with a 9mm and a space suit out there against a couple of Hi-zacks and a Ally class. So, from the looks of things you shouldn't be in any hurry to get into combat, at least until we find something for you to blow up Titans with."

Richard could only nod, the interim commander basically hitting the nail on the head.

"And, as far as I recall, ... we only have one operational MS on this bucket anyhow. Maybe three ... once Norman and Al's units get repaired. With you on board, at least that'll ... bring us up to full combat capacity ... again, when we get MS. Yuri, ... any word on the status of the 4th as a whole? We didn't lose anyone did we?"
Yes, it's a V8.
Yes, it was a Trans Am before there was "TRANS AM."
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-The Hamburg's-
-Jim Edwin Davidson Room-

A boy was playing with his friend at a grassy place, “Mike, tomorrow I be having my 14th birthday, you better come, or I wont be friend with you anymore, (laughing).” Mike McEwen: “You won’t dare, I tell my mom about it, but anyway I going even if it cost me my life cause you been to mine too.” Little boy: “I know you not that daring, see you tomorrow, 7 pm sharp, deal?” Mike McEwen: “Deal, but don’t wait for me, could be a bit late.” Little boy: “Ok, no problem, as long as you come.” Suddenly in a house, the little boy was crying “Why Mike, you haven’t come yet? You promise me!” Suddenly a man comes into the boy house, “Help, there a boy who was hit by a car outside at the road, please call the ambulance.” Suddenly Jimmy woke up from the dream, looking at the wall in front of him and the sound of the fan, he suddenly realize it was all just a dream, a dream from his past, one of the bitter memory that he kept in his memories, “Man, it hot in this room, how come this dream keep on repeating itself.” Jimmy look at the clock on the wall, he realize he been sleeping for sometimes, hope there no new order for him.” Jimmy jump off his bed and go to a side of his room where he put all his uniform, he than wear his AEUG uniform and also with his white coat than left his room. “Wonder where should I go, maybe I should go find the captain at the Bridge and ask if there any order for me to carry out, or atleast something to do at this ship, I still am kind of new to this ship so don’t know what people normally do around here, or maybe I should be at the hanger checking on my Nemo. Hmm, guess I go see the captain first.” With that Jimmy moves toward the bridge of the Hamburg.

-The Hamburg-
-The Bridge-

“Hmm, going to see the captain, this always makes me nervous even when I have been in the military for sometime. Ok, nothing to lose other than getting scold at, I guess.” Jimmy thinks to himself, than he just moves to the place where the captain is and stand at the back of the captain, “Sir.” He than salute to the captain, “Good day sir, I’m Ensign Pilot Jim Edwin Davidson sir, is there any order or task I am assign to now sir? Or any duties that I’m suppose to be doing sir? Or is there anything I am able to help out sir? Or should I go check on my mobile suit sir?” With that Jimmy was looking at the captain eye.
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Celeine just grabbed onto Celeste's arm tighter; her eyes widened in anger, bighting the end of her lip.

Turning, she tugged onto Celeste.

"Let's go to the observation deck, Celeste; leave the fool in his private little fantasy world where he's the only one who knows what suffering is, or has had more then his fair share of it."
I mean when you spend precious seconds to give an "All Your Nukes Are Belong To Us" speech before you even start the Gundam up, you know you're too overzealous for your own good.~wza
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-In the hangar of the ship that never sleeps.-The New Yark....

After his smoke, Pan had a quick chat with Mello about the outcome of the battle, and pretty much got a run down on what had happened. Unsure of his performance himself once finished, Pan clambered into his Nemo.

The suit should of recorded some of the footage from the battle. Perhaps it would help pain a clearer picture.

Mostly he was interested in seeing if that Barrique chump from the Gela really did get in his way of shooting down that fancy Hizack. Scanning the footage he saw he was right. The guy in the 'Zack did get away, looked like he was hurting too.

Pan grumbled to himself. Of course Barrique had to get himself shot down. Pan saw his name on the casualty list under injured. Pan just grinned to himself. As he formulated an idea in his head.

Quickly downloading an image of the 'one that got away'. And leaving his nemo. Pan scooted off to his quarters.
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