Mobile Suit Gundam 0098: The End Begins (Completed! Comment)

Your own tale of two mecha.
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Episode 15: "What the hell are you doing?"

Between Char's Counterattack (UC0093) and Gundam F-91 (UC0123). It is the year UC0098, five years after the events of Char's Counterattack. The last Neo Zeon formation created yet another Titan team, and thus a new AEUG was formed. A final uprising has begun for the Zeon forces, this will be their last stand, and it is now all or nothing!

Frame 15: Infected Newtype

"I believe we're on course for Grenada right now Yugo. Although Captain Dukey can fill you in with more details. Dukey, can you let me know when we arrive in Grenada. I'll need to get those boosters ASAP so that I can get Gundam Nova back to top condition." Zach saluted before he left. Zach walked through the doors toward his quarters. He'd try to catch a nap if he could, but the scene he saw and felt which was of Dukey's rage placed a shiver down his spin.

Yugo head was slightly tilted so that he could see Captain Zach leave the room out of the corner of his eye. He felt uncomfortable around the Federation, but especially hated Zach. "Heh..." whispered Yugo as he went over and stood behind Dukey's chair. "Don't worry Dukey, I'll protect you. I'll protect from any and all harm," said Yugo with slight grin, wrapping the blanket around him as Dukey dose off the sleep. "Zach is nothing…the sooner you realize that the better. You never know…an unexpected accident might happen to him sooner than you think," whispered Yugo in Dukey's ear. He then took it upon himself and sat in Zach's chair.

Rock slowly lowered his Jypsi into the makeshift garage of Monoxide. Slowly landing, and toning down the fuel gauge, the Lieutenant looked around suspiciously, "Who the hell is this Monoxide, anyway," he questioned to himself as he exited his cockpit to view Monoxide. Lowering himself down on a cable, Rock took off his helmet and asked, "I take it that you're Monoxide?"

Monoxide had just landed before he did. "That's me alright and I'm guessing this is the upgrades?"

"Yes, but I have a question to ask," Rock replied, "Exactly how are you serving Titans in return for these upgrades?"

"These upgrades aren't mine I'm preparing them for YOUR New Cyber-Newtype and I don't need to know who it's for I don't care about the Titans. I'm doing this to get paid," Monoxide said. "Someone called me ok."

Rock nodded as his two men set down the cargo, "well, I believe your well off. So long Monoxide," Rock said, nodding to him and then headed back to his mobile suit.

"Well off?" Monoxide thought to what the hell does he mean? "Oh well," Monoxide said opening up the cargo boxes taking pictures of the items and schematics for the item. Monoxide than hooked up a computer to the items and began copying the item list to make one the upgrades.

Andrew stared at his mobile suit and then left the loading bay. He went up to the bridge, and asked Lt. Commander Newbark, "So how much longer until we get to where we need to be?" He turned towards Andrew and said,

"10 minutes...give or take if run into the enemy."

"I doubt it," Andrew said with confidence. "Most of Terra is under the control of Neo-Zeon, and guess who I work for." He chuckled. "I will be waiting on the Nightingale if you need me." He waved his hand as he walked out of the bridge. The Xanzibar arrived in New Guinea and approached the Neo-Zeon and Titans top secret base Stratos.

Zach woke up from his nap, he yawned loudly, "I wonder what Dukey is up to..." He began to walk toward the captain's deck. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked, upon entering seeing Yugo sitting in his chair.

"Sorry sir, just watching over Captain Dukey. But now that you're up I'll be going now," said Yugo, jumping out of the chair. Zach knew he should be worried, but shook the feeling off as he approached Dukey who was just waking up.

The Raider arrived at Grenada and everyone was welcomed with medals of achievement and success. Every crew member on the Raider was given tons of cash as a reward for their completion of such an important mission. Eventually the hype died down and everyone un-boarded the ship.

Zach turned to Dukey and asked, "think your mechanics would have some boosters I could get installed on Gundam Nova?" A mechanic was just in the distance and shouted, "hey, you there!" Zach caught up with him and explained the situation in which he replied "Yeah sure man, I'll get the guys on it ASAP." After that, Dukey was hanging out in his favorite restaurant again with Zach to clear his mind.

Dukey sat down to eat and the same waitress came over to him. He ordered the usual, and she winked as she walked away. She came back with the food and Dukey ate his meal. He enjoyed this place because of its food. It had all his favorite food, cooked just the way he liked it. After he was done eating he left a tip, paid and walked back to the AEUG base. "I bet the Titans are planning to get revenge soon."

Zach sat down and ordered some food as well. He hadn't had a real good meal in a long time. He finished up and sat back. More things were about to happen, he could feel it. He could sense that Dukey was feeling uneasy about something but he couldn't put his finger on it. Something was bugging him…but what?

It was getting dark out, so Dukey decided to head to his room on the Raider. This ship is his home, and his crew is his family now. "The Titans are after this ship…I will not let them have it as long as I'm alive! This ship could be the AEUG's only hope at surviving this war."
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Episode 16: "John...Kalaski, that's my name?"

Frame 16: To Earth!

The next morning, Dukey was summoned by the Admiral. He was given a new mission, a spying mission. He called everyone to the Raider and explained their next mission.

"You are to act as Zeon traders from the mines near Side 4. You will land in New Guinea. Our mission is to locate the Titan/Neo-Zeon base in New Guinea and gather as much information as possible on it. You will not be taking the Raider on this mission, but your mobile suits will be brought by a second AEUG team. Until they arrive, you are to stay undercover and gather information. Is all of this clear? You will be leaving on two separate shuttles in 10 minutes!" Dukey loaded into the 1st shuttle along with Zach and a few other men.

Elly flew after the enemy in Gerwalker mode. She used a machine gun pod, shooting at the booster units. "I hear you Gem!" She yelled aiming and shooting at the enemy mobile suits. The mobile suit thrusters were blown off by both the barrage of bullets from Elly. The mobile suit turned around calmly.

"Elly! Move back! Hurry!" Gem yelled through the comm. unit.

"Right...Gem." She turned to Fighter mode and boosted upward, high into the sky. She then turned back to Gerwalker mode, looking down at the mobile suit. The mobile suit launched a silent beam attack, wiping out most of the backup units behind Elly.

"Launch your missiles now!" Elly did as she was told and fired a cluster of missiles downward. The mobile suit some how dodged the missiles and appeared in front of Elly.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed, getting hit by a beam. The words "YOU DIED," flashed in big bold red letters. The mobile suit's head opened up and Gem zip lined up there and said,

"Nice try Elly. You didn't do so badly for you first attempt."

"Again…send me in again," she said.

"But Elly?"

"It has to be perfect. I have to be perfect," she said as the lid closed down.

Zach sat in the shuttle beside Dukey and said, "I hope those guys get Gundam Nova up and running in enough time. Hey Dukey…about what happened to you when we did the operation. Your rage."

"Yeah, I lose control from time to time. Slowly molding into my father's clone."

"No, together we can get through this, you can get through this. Shift the anger into a void of clarity and peace of mind," preached Zach.

After the countdown, the shuttles launched! Dukey and Zach were piloting the first shuttle as they head to Earth.

"It'll be a few days before the mobile suits arrive, so Gundam Nova should be finished by then. For now we just have to worry about getting past the guards in the hangar we're going to dock at," explained Dukey. He opened a duffel bag and pulled out some fake Neo-Zeon trader uniforms and some ID cards supplied by the top AEUG disguise makers.

"Everyone wear these, we'll get some normal clothes when we get to Earth. Put your current uniforms in this bag. Now listen, we've got a bunch of rocks in the back of the shuttle, but underneath all the rock are our weapons. If anything goes wrong, dig under the rocks and grab the machine guns. Hopefully things will go as planned." Dukey removed his clothes, reveling a Neo-Zeon's uniform underneath and placed the ID card around his neck.

Zach slipped into his new uniform and put his ID badge on.

"Chet Skylar? You could have come up with a better name than that?" Zach sighed, "Chet... I'm not a chet." Dukey laughed at Zach and checked his name.

"Alex Majewski. Wow…these are definitely Zeke names. We'll have to refer to each other by our new names for this mission, so everyone go over who's who." Everyone memorized each other's fake names and they begin to joke around.

Yugo heard Dukey's commands. He put on his uniform and rushed toward the 2nd shuttle. Yugo looked over to see Dukey talking to Zach, whispering about something. He couldn't stand he was losing Dukey mentally all because of that Feddie messing in things that doesn't concern him. Yugo looked down at his Mission Description.

"John...Kalaski, that's my name?" he said while sweat dropped form his forehead.

Zach sighed again and let it go, "Okay then Alex... How long until we get there and what do we need to know before we get in?"

Dukey left the commands allowing Zach to drive as he explained their next orders.

"We will arrive at Earth in 15 minutes. You and I will then pilot through the atmosphere and land in the Neo-Zeon's main New Guinea base. After this we will be given rooms to stay in at the base. I will go over our strategy once we get our rooms."

The shuttle arrived at the Earth on time and it slowly made its way through Earth's atmosphere. They reached the New Guinea base and were stopped for questioning.

"What are you guys carrying?" Dukey looked over at the security officer.

"Just some minerals for the base." He showed the officer his ID and the officer let them pass. "That was easier than I thought. Neo-Zeon are obviously underestimating their enemies," whispered Dukey to himself. They docked at the hangar and were shown to their rooms. Dukey then called a meeting in his room.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Episode 17: "Could it be…this girl?"

Frame 17: Faithful Attraction

Zach looked behind him as the door closed tight, in a hushed voice he asked, "is it safe to talk?" Dukey looked outside and everything was clear.

"Yes! Tonight our mission is to explore this base. Basically a night on the town to familiarize ourselves with places. We can't think of a strategy if we don't know our surroundings. So everyone head on out and check this place out. Buy some new clothes first so you look like regular tourists," explained Dukey who left the room and the base and headed toward the local shopping center which led into a mall.

John (Yugo) stayed in his room quietly, rocking back and forth while talking to himself out loud. "Dukey mental state must be bent…his rage must consume him…but how?"

"Yugo…" John (Yugo) turned around, but saw no one. He was completely alone in his room and yet…was he hallucinating or could,

"Yugo…come play with us heehee…"

Zach picked out some civilian clothing, "Hm…its been a while since I've had the opportunity to wear normal clothes." He picked out a pair of baggy jeans, some sneakers, a hoodie and just normal street clothes, then continued off on his journey to explore.

The Xanzibar landed within the base and everyone came out as Operator A and B contacted Rock to descend back to Earth/base. As Hylis stepped out, she suddenly froze in time as her surroundings turned into blending colors of red and purple, "This feelings...could it be Amuro Ray, is he here somehow? No, it's the same feeling I felt before, but different," she thought as time resumed back to normal around her.

"Lt. Newbark, I'm heading out to do some exploring. Andrew will come and assist me, we'll be back in time to discuss our operation," said Hylis, wearing dark blue boots, jet-black knee high stockings, dark blue skirt, black and dark blue long sleeve shirt. Andrew walked by just in time to hear what Hylis said. He just nodded his head and said "So'k with me. I need a bit of fresh air anyway." He followed Hylis.

Both Hylis and Andrew made their way to town,

"Must you wear your Neo-Zeon uniform? Sticking out like a sore thumb?" she asked playfully to what looked like a Neo-Zeon uniform. Andrew just laughed and said,

"I rarely wear the thing. With red hair and a guitar over the shoulder. Hell I'd stick out even if I wasn't wearing the thing. Besides I have a good reputation with people."

"Who's there?" asked Yugo, looking around the room.

"You've been a very naughty boy Yugo," said a female's voice.

"You must kill Zach. He must die," said a male's voice.

"No…don't make me. I…I don't want to," said Yugo, grabbing his hair.

"We can make the pain go away Yugo. We can stop the nightmares," insured the female's voice.

"But if you do not kill Zach—"

"Yes, kill Zach."

"If you do not kill Zach then more visions are to come," said the male's voice.

"No…no…noooaoahahah!" screamed Yugo as his room started to spin, taken over the colors of black and blood red. Suddenly a rush of death and destruction swept over him. He could feel every emotional pain and suffering the people were going through.

"NO!" shouted Yugo. He looked around seeing that his room was normal again…normal and quiet. He slowly stopped rocking and said, "Zach…must die. I will kill you Zach and then Dukey will be mine."

Dukey decided to buy some clothes. He bought a dark green t-shirt and some jeans, and then continued to wander the mall. "I wonder what they've got to eat here…"

Dukey searched throughout the entire mall and finally found the food court. Just then out of the corner of his eye he saw a man wearing a Neo-Zeon uniform. He sat down with his food and acted normal, spying wasn't an uncommon mission for Dukey, he had started out in the AEUG as an undercover Neo-Zeon.

"Who is that girl with him?" Dukey looked over at the girl and got a strange feeling…like he knew her already. He kept his cool and continued to eat. Zach sat down across from Dukey, unaware of what was going on.

"Hey did you try these burgers? They ROCK! And these fries! I haven't eaten this well in so long I tell ya." Dukey was looking at Zach who said, "A..heh..soda?" He held out his drink to Dukey. Dukey looked at the soda and took it from Zach.

"Sure thanks. Wow, I'd hate to admit it but the Zeke's did a good job urbanizing this place. I remember when New Guinea was just trees and grass," said Dukey.

Zach took his soda back and finished it off, "aahhhh. Grass and trees huh? Interesting. Do these clothes fit in enough by the way? I think it's as 'urbanized' as possible?" asked Zach.

Both Hylis and Andrew made there way inside the mall, but somehow got separated in which she knew they would cross each other soon. She took this time to head over to the food court and place a coin into a machine and grabbed a bottle of water. As she opened it, a chair from the side of her pushed back, pumping into her causing her to spill an entire bottle of water on Alex Majewski (Dukey) which some made its way on Chet Skylar (Zach).

"Ouh!" she gasped. "I am sosososo sorry," she said while trying to find a napkin to clean them up. Andrew was too hungry to care about being separated. His stomach growled at him. "Ok, ok I'm going." he said to himself. He rushed over to the food court and got into the long line for the pizzeria.

"Damn!" cussed Dukey. He looked up at Hylis and said, "'s okay. Who're you by the way? I'm Alex Majewski."

"Wha...what is this pressure? It feels so familiar and yet so different?" she thought. "I'm Hylis," she said with a smile, not giving a last name. "What brings you to a place like this?" she asked. Andrew finally got up to the counter, and ordered a cheese pizza. It took awhile but it got done. He paid and sat down. After seating himself, he turned his head, scanned the parts of the mall he could see, looking for Hylis while he ate. He spotted her with two strange men. He did nothing, making sure not to interfere. "I don't want to get his uniform all messy, and she can handle herself." He thought to himself, still eating politely.

"We're traders from Side 4. We brought some minerals from the small asteroid mines around those parts," explained Dukey. Dukey sensed something strange from this woman. He gently put his hand on her back, hoping to sense something more from her. "What the hell! It's almost like I know this feeling, but I can't remember what it is. Who could she be! Hylis…is that her REAL name?" " Well Miss. Hylis, it's been a pleasure talking to you."

Dukey leaned toward Hylis' ear and whispered as he pointed to Andrew and whispered, "that man's been watching you for awhile…do you want me to say something to him for you?"

"And what's a tall strong trader guy like yourself going to do to a Neo-Zeon soldier?" she asked. "What you can do is um, introduce me to your little friend over there," said Hylis with a wink at Chet Skylar (Zach).

"This is Chet Skylar. He's my co-pilot on this run." Dukey looked over at Andrew again. "Maybe the feeling is coming from that guy..." Dukey gently grabbed Hylis' hand,

"Umm…you should come with us. I'm a little suspicious of that guy over there. He's been staring at you for quite some time now." "For some reason I feel the need to protect this girl." Hylis needed some extra adventure. "Maybe this feeling is coming from...Chet...I shell keep a close eye on him." she thought, allowing Alex to take her hand,

"Go with you two? Sure, why not," she said.

Dukey and Zach both ran off with Hylis. They ended up in a weapon shop within the mall. Dukey decided to take a look at the daggers.

"Wow, you don't see this kind of thing on Side 4. Since we're so close to the AEUG's main base we try to keep things peaceful unless ordered otherwise." Dukey noticed that the feeling is still with him. "Could it be…this girl?"

Dukey looked over at Hylis and Zach. They were both looking at each other strangely. As if forming a silent bond or connection that only the mind could see, then Dukey butted in and said,

"Hey Hylis, would you like to go see a movie with me? Chet should probably return to the hangar and make sure they don't need help unloading our trailers, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd come with me." Dukey looked Hylis in the eyes and waited eagerly for her response. "It has to be her…but who is she and what exactly is this feeling. It's like the feeling I get from Newtypes but…slightly different and more powerful."

Hylis looked away from Chet. She was glad Alex asked. This sickening unknown feeling she was getting from Zach was killing her. "This is it? Such a weak emotion," she thought.


"Yeah, movies. Sounds fun," she said at Alex.
Dukey paid for the tickets and they both sit down in the theater.

"So…are you from New Guinea?" he asked. "It's definitely her..." Hylis pushed back her hair and answered,

"You could say that. And um, how's a space-boy like yourself adjusting to Earth's gravity?" she asked with interest. Dukey leaned back in his chair as the movie started to play.

"Well I've made quite a few trips to and from Earth, so I'm pretty used to the gravity. Going through the atmosphere's always a bit frightening though. So are you with the Neo-Zeon military or anything? I've heard rumors of Neo-Zeon teaming up with the Titans.

"Oh I wish, but I'm not. And yes, that's all they are, rumors." A couple of minuets into the movie and Hylis placed her hand over her heart, "What this pressure? My head feels heavy...someone is pulling me," she thought. "I...I have to go," she said, getting up abruptly.

"You know what. I completely forgot what we where suppose to be doing," Andrew said to himself as he walked in the mall. "Still I got an eerie feeling from those two. Oh well I should just wait at the main entrance for Hylis, then we can head back to base." He stood up and walked over to a bench near the mall's entrance. He tuned his guitar, and started to play.

Dukey stood up too,

Uh…alright, nice meeting you!" Dukey watched her leave and decided to sit down and watch the rest of the movie.

Hylis stepped out seeing Andrew waiting for her. "You look full," she said playfully. "Come, we must return to base. Quickly before anyone sees us," she said to him.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:32 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Episode 18: "Ah…could this be another black out?"

Frame 18: Psychotic Newtype Envy

Andrew laughed, and then said jokingly. "Me full? Never, watch in a few hours I'll be eating more food." He then rolled his guitar over his shoulder, stood up, and looked back to make sure they're not being followed. "Okay sure lets head back," he said in a calm tone.

They road back to the base just in time to hear about Operation Deathstar.

"Alright, for those Titans who didn't know this is Admiral Xerces, leader of Neo-Zeon," said Lt. Newbark.

"Operation Deathstar will commence now. Both Titans and Neo-Zeon objective is to bring down the New England Federal Base," said Admiral Xerces.

"We move in now so MOVE IT PEOPLE! Hylis, come with me."

"The Neo-Zeon soldiers will be in their Gaza-Ds, the Titans will still be their Tai-Sons. I will aid you in battle thus being in a new model mobile suit called MS-20D Kämpfer," explained Lt. Newbark.

Andrew walked back to the Nightingale and said to it, "the Kämpfer is going to be there. No worries, we'll out shine it. After all Nightingale, you and my modified Gyan are the best out there." He sat in the open cockpit, playing with his guitar.

Lt. Newbark along with a couple of generals and Admiral Xerces, took Hylis into a private separation deck which they introduced to her, her top secret mobile suit for the first time.

"This is your AXI-000 Jubeley. Modeled by the Qubeley Mass Production Type and Quin Mantha, the Jubeley is perfection," explained Admiral Xerces.

"Made from parts of a Gundam, this is the ideal mobile suit. Equated with the psycommu system, allowing complete control over these new wing-like funnel pods," added Lt. Newbark. "We just need the psycoframe to complete it, but consider this your first test run of this colossal.

Hylis looked up at the gigantic mobile suit with the capabilities and power that can crush a Gundam. The mobile suit was in its Mobile Fortress mode, with its wings folded around it. She was ready as she entered into the changing room where the scientist applied her with a new purple and black normal suit that suited her body and all its glory. A black helmet was placed on her head to record her brain waves.

Zach headed back to his room, but as he opened the door a sharp pain in the back of his head surprised him.

"Ah…could this be another black out?" he asked himself. This sharp pain turned into pressure, building and building trying to collapse his mind. "You will die…"

Zach turned seeing Yugo all of a sudden standing next to him, realizing that this was no black out, that this was Yugo doing.

"Stop!" shouted Zach, feeling his body becoming paralyze by the second as Yugo pushed him inside his room.

"You see Captain Zach, Dukey has something I want…I need and you're just in the way. Why he favors you I have no idea…you're weak nothing more nothing less," said Yugo.

"Dude, are you insane?" asked Zach while placing his hands on his head.

"Why yes, yes I am. Unlike you, I couldn't handle what I was given. Being a Newtype isn't fun and games. I suffer very day because of it. Because of people like you. You have no idea…no idea what's going on in this crazy mess I called my mind." Yugo looked up and continued, "but it's okay. The voices, they told me I can have peace."

"Voices?" asked Zach.

"They told me to kill you," said Yugo with a smile as he lunged over to grab a letter opener, "and I will!" Thinking that Zach was physically paralyzed, Yugo threw himself at him, but Zach rolled out of the way as the letter opener stabbed his bed. Yugo turned and thrust the letter opener at Zach, but stopped midway, as Zach's eyes glowed,

"NO!" he shouted as an un-seeable force pushed Yugo into the bed.

"Wha…what power, damn you!" Yugo got up and charged, only this time Dukey ran inside the room and grabbed Yugo arm causing him to drag the letter opener. Dukey twisted Yugo's arm and slammed him into a wall,

"You alright Zach?"

"Yeah," said Zach free from Yugo's mental attack.

"What's going on?" asked Dukey.

"Dukey! How are you? Do you need something sir, are you hungry?" asked Yugo sweetly. Dukey looked at Zach who arched his eye brawl.

"He's a psychopath!" shouted Zach.

"Alright, let's go you," said Dukey.

"No—no, Dukey you must listen to me. You can't trust Zach, if you go with him there will be death and destruction.

"What are you talking about—go where?" asked Dukey.

"Your life…everything you built up to this day will shatter before you very eyes. Please, do not take him with you," begged Yugo. "Like you I am a Newtype, but unlike you or Zach I couldn't handle what I was given. Being a Newtype isn't fun for me…I see things, hear…feel things. Kill me…make it all go away."

Dukey took him off the wall, but grabbed and twisted his other arm and forced him out of Zach's room. Dukey started marching Yugo, calling for backup to take him,

"Hold it right there." Dukey froze, hearing the click of a gun.

"Turn around nice and easy." Dukey did as he was told.

"Sam?" he asked.

"How would a Neo-Zeon trader know my name?"

"Idiot it's me! Captain Dukey."

"Nice try," said Rayse, coming from behind Sam.

"And who the hell are you?" asked Dukey.

"If you're really Captain Dukey then why are you wearing a Neo-Zeon worker uniform?" questioned Sam.

"Because I've been assigned to scope out this base dumb dumb."

"You're the pilot I saw at the New England Federation Base," said Rayse.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you two!"

"Sir!" said an undercover AEUG soldier as Sam placed the gun down.

"Jackson here, take him and watch him closely. He's…messed up in the head," explained Dukey. As Dukey handed Yugo away, under his breath Dukey could barely make out the whisper that went something like, "I'll kill him too." A shiver went down Dukey's spin seeing a deviant smile on Yugo's face.

"What was that about?" asked Sam.

"Nothing…so why are you guys here?" asked Dukey, looking around to see if anyone was around them. He let out his senses, but felt the presence of no one nearby.

"We heard talk of a new joint base between the Titans and Neo-Zeon," explained Rayse, moving his snow colored hair out of his face.

"We were assigned to stake it out and report back to base," added Sam,

"What's your problem?" asked Rayse. Dukey kept look around and over their shoulders. He picked nothing up, but his men and no one else.

"Something's about to go down," whispered Dukey as he soon turned toward his right, hearing something and decided to find out what it was. He started walking and turned left of the base that he was staying at. The sound became louder and then he saw it. In the darkness he could barely make it out, but the sounds he heard were definitely mobile suits.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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T.T can I get some comments people please! lol...crossing fingers for good ones, but I guess I'll take the bad too. (jk.) Chapter wise I'm actual a head so I can say that it gets better and interesting.
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Episode 19: "I wonder what Setzbar meant by surprise…?"

Frame 19: Eye of the Storm

"The hell?" said Sam.

"They're heading toward our base, shit!" shouted Rayse.

"You two go and try to stall for as long as you possibly can," said Dukey as they separated. He ran back to his room and sent a message to Admiral Setzbar warning him of even more suspicious activity and to report this to all surrounding Federal bases. This warning would at least give the Federation a fighting chance to defend themselves. But it would not be enough. "Damn! Our mobile suits won't be here until another hour; I must wake the others and return to the shuttle!"

Dukey woke up all of his men and they snuck into the hangar. They quickly launched shuttle 1 and landed it near where shuttle two was hiding. Due to the lack of Neo-Zeon soldiers on patrol, they pulled it off without a fuss.

"Alright, everyone arm yourselves! We have to try to stall the Zekes until our mobile suits arrive from Grenada!"

They all arm themselves with machineguns, rocket launchers and grenades and hop in a buggy headed for the city.

"Do not harm any civilians! We must find where the troops are gathering and attack it. It will at least catch the enemy off guard, maybe even long enough for them to have to postpone their attack. For now all we can do is hope and do our best!"

Andrew launched his Nightingale, with a unit of R9 Gyans in a V formation. "Lancer formation, and aim for the heads," Andrew shouted over his com. The R9 Gyans pulled their shields up and stuck their swords out; preparing to engage any enemy mobile suit.

Dukey and his team arrive where the Neo-Zeon and Titans' military had met, but they were too late. Most of the troops had already moved out. They bombarded the place with their missile launchers and machineguns at any Neo-Zeon officers that were still inside.

"This is all we can do for now, let's head back to the shuttles!" commanded Dukey. They turned around and headed back toward the shuttles, still firing rockets at some mobiles suits near the meeting place. Zach followed closely behind Dukey and asked, "How far to the shuttles?" He held a pistol behind him firing at some oncoming Neo-Zeon soldiers. They jumped in and Dukey floored the buggy. "Not too long, we've reached the outskirts of the city. The shuttles in that forest over there!" informed Dukey loudly.

They continued toward the shuttle. Dukey then noticed that the hour was up and looked up to see another shuttle heading for the location at which their shuttles were hiding. He pointed at the shuttle and said, "Zach, do you see that? I think that's our mobile suits! The Admiral said he is sending a surprise along for your and myself." "I wonder what Setzbar meant by surprise…?"

"A surprise? What did he mean by a surprise?" Zach was still yelling over the thruster noise, it was almost barely audible to Dukey. They arrived at their shuttle and waited for the shuttle containing their mobile suits to land.

They got out of the buggy and sat in the grass waiting. "We're about to find out," said Dukey to Zach as the shuttle landed and everyone rushed in to get in their mobile suits.

"Everyone get into your mobile suits and follow the Neo-Zeon and Titans' attack team. Once we figure out where they're truly headed we can try to get there first and defend it. Don't wait for me; just go as soon as you're inside your mobile suits!" ordered Dukey.

About twenty AEUG mobile suits took off, leaving the shuttle only half full. Dukey entered to find two new mobile suits. "This must be what Admiral Setzbar meant by surprise," said Dukey as the pilot of the shuttle approached Dukey and Zach.

"These are gifts from the Admiral himself. Two brand new mobile suits. A red MSR-00100ST Hyaku Shiki Kai was a completely rebuilt Hyaku Shiki, using the most modern of parts. This has all the abilities of the Hyaku Shiki and more. The OS10 Gundam Nebula, built using the data acquired in all of the previous wars. The Gundam Nebula is known as the Perfect Weapon. It transforms into a mobile armor that allows flight through the atmosphere.

The Admiral said that you two more than deserve these new mobile suits and that if anyone is going to turn the tide of this war, it will be the Raider team." Dukey looked over at the Hyaku Shiki Kai thinking, "I definitely like the changes made to this. And the MSR is amazing in itself!" He hopped inside the Hyaku Shiki Kai and looked over to Zach asking, "you going to try out your new mobile suit?"

Zach was speechless, he climbed into the cockpit and looked around, and he hit the comm button, "let's see what kind of stuff the AEUG has to offer a Feddy like me!" Zach hit the boosters and took off leaving Dukey in his dust. TopBottom of Form

Dukey launched into the air as he caught up to Zach and they followed the attacking Neo-Zeon/Titans troops to their destination. Dukey then radioed the New England base, warning them of the attack.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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I guess I accidentally forgot to post Episode 5? Well its posted now if anyone would like to go back and check that one out right quick. Sorry for that.
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Episode 20: "Why did this happen?"

Frame 20: A Call in Space

Zach followed the Kai and transformed into his mobile armor mode. Piloting Nebula was remarkably similar to the Nero system in the Nova. The only difference was that he had to have a helmet on; this displayed everything instead of on monitors. It had a lot more aggressive boosters and easier to handle. It was a lot more powerful though, he checked the power levels and gauges, things were working at 100 percent. "This is remarkable...leave it to the AEUG to come up with a piece of work like this."

The red Hyaku Shiki Kai caught up to a straying R9 Gyan and began to opened fire. The beam Gatling gun on the Hyaku Shiki Kai struck the R9 Gyan's leg and blew it right off. Dukey then pulled ahead of the R9 Gyan and turn 180 degrees, heading straight for its cockpit. The Hyaku Shiki Kai took out two hyper beam sabers as Dukey pulled off to the side right before crashing into the R9 Gyan. The left hyper beam saber sliced right through the R9 Gyan's cockpit destroying the mobile suit and the pilot. Dukey then continued to follow the attack team.

The mobile armor swooped down and transformed into the Gundam Nebula as Zach took out his beam saber, seeing that the beam was huge…the blade came out the size of a normal mobile suit. Another R9 Gyan was in the distance, Zach hit his boosters and sliced it right in half, no problem. He took out his heat rod whip and threw it toward the R9 Gyan, again slicing it now into quarters. "Amazing..." he thought as it was the only thing on Zach's mind at that time.

The Gaza-D's and Tai-Sons swarmed in first just as New England Federal Base received the warning and help. The pilots of the base came out with GM III, not much improvement from the I or II versions. The Tai-Sons distracted the GM's while the Gaza-D's hovered in and started bombing the place with their 2 x 14-tube missile launchers. The Alex-NTX and the second generation Gundam Mark III returned fire.

Dukey arrived at New England Base with his team, but it was too late, the attack had already begun.

"Damn you Neo-Zeon!" cussed Dukey. He attacked the Gaza-D's first, to avoid anymore damage to the base. He sliced the first one in half, but another one fired a missile at him. The Hyaku Shiki Kai did a back flip over top of the missile, just barely dodging it. Dukey then shot at the missile with his vulcans, preventing it from hitting a building.

Zach threw out his whip and hit a missile out of his way; it retracted back into his shield. "Dammed! Now what?" Zach yelled to Dukey through the com. Dukey sliced a Gaza-D in half with his hyper beam sabers and responded by saying, "we must destroy all of the Gaza-D's. We have to at least save what's left of the base." All of a sudden Dukey's Hyaku Shiki Kai was hit by a barrage of missiles. The missiles came from the shield of a R9 Gyan. "Freakin' antiques!" The Hyaku Shiki Kai shot the R9 Gyan with his pulse laser guns. The explosion took out an anti-aircraft turret. "It's impossible to win if we have to fight in or around the base. We just keep wrecking it more," thought Dukey.

Hiding within the wooded area, surrounding the base was a 2 x 360mm giant bazooka which fired five rounds per clip in Zach's direction. Zach quickly sensed something and leaped over to his right side as the missile suddenly hit where his Gundam was just standing. Dukey turned around and attacked the location that was firing at Zach with his pulse laser guns. There was a huge explosion, but it didn't stop whatever was firing at the Gundam Nebula.

"Zach, get outa there!" commanded Dukey. A loud siren and lots of lights ignited Zach's helmet. Incoming Missiles!

"What the?" Zach closed his eyes tight and felt the world slowly slow down. He spun around and with his whip he hit each of the rounds out of the way, and they exploded in midair. He stopped spinning and hit the boosters and got out of the way. "Nebula! Locate Target!" "Target Cannot Be Found!"

"What? Where are you?" questioned Zach. He cast his senses out and felt a presence close by.

"The Hyaku Shiki?" said Lt. Newbark with interest, dodging the blast coming from the pulse laser guns. His Kämpfer laid on its stomach and at incredible speed zoomed pasted the Hyaku Shiki Kai and quickly rotated around, firing its 2 x ZUX-197 Jagdgewehr shotgun from behind.

Out in space, Alexis suddenly woke up. She had been drifting in her mobile suit for days, severely damaged, and hungry. She tried sending a distress message, and hopefully someone would find her and pick her up. If she had to, she would lie about anything, just to survive now.

"This is Alexis Morgalia, I am in immediate danger and require assistance. If anyone is out there, please help me." She slumped in her seat. The zero gravity made it possible for her to survive without food for so long, without the pressure of gravity weighing down on her body, she was able to save what little food she had. "Why did this happen?" she asked herself, as she set the message to repeat, and set the repeat to every fifteen minutes, then drifted back to sleep. She began to dream about her parents and how they were murder by a psychotic bastard. Her parents just wanted to help the poor guy, but there was something that just wasn't right with him. He began to get more and more violent and aggressive…his strange unfamiliar Newtype abilities began increasing at a rapid rate, till he finally snapped.

Sensors began beeping in the R-siren mobile suit. Alexis had woken up due to this and scanned her screen for information. "Please, please be some one who can help. Please!" she said feebly.

Tracking the last transmission Verin was able to pick up the exact location of the space craft and began heading straight to the location, his beam rifle in hand incase of need but for the most part his concentration was on getting to the pilot before air eventually ran out. Verin hoped the pilot had a normal suit on or that would make the transfer much more difficult.

"Well at least the damsel in distress is on our side," he said wondering how this woman got herself stranded. Once he found what he was looking for he came to an abrupt stop and aligned his cockpit with hers. Making sure no enemies were nearby he unbelted himself, opened his cockpit and pushed off tot he hatch of the AEUG woman's craft and began banging on he hatch, waiting for a response. He didn't just want to open it and find that she didn't have a space suit on.

Alexis readied her knife, just to be safe. She opened the hatch and stared into the red eyes of her rescuer. "Thanks for the save. I've only have three hours of air left, and the power is almost out." She quickly surveyed the suit of her rescuer. It was obviously of AEUG make.

"I see. I'm of the AEUG forces. Looks like you're in luck. Will you need this powerless hunk of metal brought along as well?" he asked, knocking on the metal of her cockpit hatch. Verin extended his hand out to her as Alexis put down her knife into her side pocket and grabbed his hand. She looked back at her R-siren mobile suit and told him yes. Alexis crawled inside Verin's mobile suit and he a boarded hooked the R-siren to his mobile suit.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Episode 21: "Wha...what are you doing here?"

Frame 21: Shadows of the Twilight

Dukey was hit by shotgun shrapnel. The Hyaku Shiki Kai turned around to see the . Kämpfer"Kämpfer…I've heard of this mobile suit. They say if it was developed sooner into the one year war, the Zeon's would have been the victor," thought Dukey as he pulled out his two hyper beam sabers and lunged at the Kämpfer.

Zach caught Dukey taking off out of the corner of his vision. "What is he doing?" Kämpfer sat up just as the Hyaku Shiki Kai hyper beam saber lunged into the ground, but in doing so the Kämpfer pointed its two giant bazookas (mounted on its back) at the Hyaku Shiki Kai head.

Dukey quickly slammed both wrists, while holding the hyper beam sabers into a spin helicopter-like shield of destruction. The spinning beams sliced through the cannons and Dukey backed away from the Kämpfer. "Leave this place and we will spare you! You have caused enough death for one day! Leave now!" shouted Dukey.

"This is no antique boy. You have no right to question our objective after the stunt you pulled back in space." said Lt. Newbark to Dukey.

"Damn, there's too many!" shouted Sam, firing his 2 x 90mm Gatling guns, mounted in the forearms.

"Shĭt!" cussed Rayse as the second generation Gundam Mark III jumped over a Gaza-D and then jabbed a beam saber in a Tai-Son. "Fighting Neo-Zeon soldiers is one thing, but the Titans too…"

The Nebula had found the Kämpfer, seeing it and Dukey were having their little skirmish. "What a shame. He offered you mercy and you said no." Zach fired up his beam saber again and thrust it directly behind Lt. Newbark who lost his shotgun. "You are defenseless!" shouted Zach, but to his surprised the Kämpfer was still unbelievably fast as it propelled a panzer Faust which hit the Nebula's shield as the whip dropped on the ground from it. Dukey pulled out his beam rifle and aimed them both at the Kämpfer's feet. "Come out of your mobile suit! If those feet move I fire!" threatened Dukey.

"Wanna bet!" said Lt. Newbark as he fell on his back. The Kämpfer pocket opened up and it pulled out a fifteen long whip-like chain mines which wrapped around the Nebula's leg. Lt. Newbark pulled it as a five chain mines attached to the Nebula's leg and exploded, taking it off. The Kämpfer rotated back onto its stomach and took off back into the woods, "RELEASE THE IT NOW!" commanded Lt. Newbark...suddenly even with all the battle going on, the ground beneath them started to the Earth shook in fear of what was coming.

"No…no…nooooo!" shouted Yugo in a room with a guard standing in front of the door. Yugo laid on the floor and started rocking, placing his hand over his head.

Red lights flashed in Zach's face. "That bastard blew my leg off!" Zach lost himself again for a second as his dark grey eyes' physical characteristics changed. His pupil shrunk and a growth of the iris took place. As the Kämpfer headed for the woods, the Nebula grabbed and threw out the whip which wrapped around the Kämpfer; Gundam Nebula caught Lt. Newbark off guard and pulled him right through his beam saber. The Kämpfer's lower section was completely separated from its top half, and both mobile suits hit the ground.

The Hyaku Shiki Kai grabbed the Nebula before it hit the ground and tossed it to safety. It then came back and with its beam rifle, starting firing back at R9 Gyans, Tai-Sons, and Gaza-D's like mad.

Lt. Newbark ejected as a gigantic brand new mobile suit headed toward the base. Even though it was hovering, the mobile suit was sitting a crouching position, with its black wings folded around it, covering its body as if protecting itself.

"Hahuhh...I'll kill you all," said Hylis, sitting in the unique cockpit. Hylis really didn't have any gears or controls which were replace with a digital looking laptop. Zach hit his boosters and took off toward what was left of the New England Base; he had to get Gundam Nebula back onboard to be repaired before it suffered a fatal blow. Once there he got out, swearing as he saw the damage. "DAMMIT! How could a lowly Kämpfer do this much damage to my Gundam." Crewmen swarmed around Nebula. "I need this fixed now!" Yes sir came out of their mouths as they went to work.

"Bye!" said Hylis as the fin-like antenna lit up and unleashed a 2-barreled scattering beam shots from its head hitting both half of the resistance forces and half of the base's forces all at once and at the same time. Dukey looked over to see the mobile fortress.

"!I know this feeling…Hylis?" shouted Dukey. The Hyaku Shiki Kai jetted behind the mobile fortress. He opened fire on the fortress, but its beams just sparked off the incredible armor. "Hylis! Is that you in there?"

"I can sense her!" thought Zach, turning his head toward the outside.

"Why are you doing this? There's nothing left of this base, now you're just killing helpless innocent survivors!" shouted Dukey.

! A cosmic white flash sparked on her forehead, sending out a tingling sensation inside her body !

"Alex?" she said, sensing him like never before. "Wha...what are you doing here?" The Hyaku Shiki Kai stabbed both of its hyper beam sabers into the mobile fortress. "I can't hit the cockpit. I know she's in there!" thought Dukey as he shouted,

"I gave you a fake name Hylis; I'm actually Captain Dukey Aznable of the Raider AEUG team. Leave this place alone Hylis, please!"

A current ran through Zach, like a wind whipping a rope. It was electric: it charged his so that he felt he could fly or dance above the Earth as he rushed over and hit his com link back up in the base and screamed, "DUKEY! GET AWAY FROM THAT! WE CAN'T EVEN GET A READING ON HOW POWERFUL IT IS! IT'S GOING TO DESTROY YOU! RUN! RUN!"

The sabers went in and created a hole within the front half of the wing-shield, but no true damage was done,

" lied to me? I...I never opened up to anybody in my life...not even my own fa...ther. Did you say Aznable? As in Char Aznable?" she asked. The mobile fortress kicked up speed which threw the Hyaku Shiki Kai off. Then it circled around and bum-rushed the Hyaku Shiki Kai.
"GAHH! FORGET THIS!" thought Zachas he ran toward an in progressed Rick Dias II in a hangar of the Earth Federation England Federal Base.

"Sir, you can't seriously be thinking about going down there are you, its suicide!" said a mechanic.

"I don't care! If he doesn't get away from that thing he's dead!" Zach hit the boosters and took off toward Dukey's location, sensing him and his significant other. "Dukey!" It came over the comm system, "we need to go! NOW!"

Dukey tried dodging the fortress, but wasn't fast enough and was smashed into. The Hyaku Shiki Kai's legs were smashed off, but the thrusters still had enough power to keep Dukey in the air.

"You have to understand Hylis! I was on an undercover mission, we couldn't give out our real identities or Zeon wouldn't have let us land in New Guinea! Char Aznable… was my father, correct!" explained Dukey. Zach caught up just in time to see Dukey's mobile suit's legs go flying off.

"NO!" shouted Zach.

"Captain Zach!" Zach turned seeing the Alex-NTX and the second generation Gundam Mark III approaching.

"Sam, you and Rayse must get out of here now."

"Wait what…why? We can still take them," asked Rayse.

"I'm not telling you, I'm commanding you now GO!" Zach punched in the boosters to max speed and flew right over to them both.

"...your father...your father? You LYING BASTARD! How DARE YOU INSULT me and my family! Char Aznable has no SON! I've been lying to you too real full name is Hylisesia Khan Deikun!"

"I…I have a sister…impossible? But…how? She's a Cyber-Newtype…does this mean…?" Dukey froze in thought from this shocking mind breaking new information. The shock was worse for him than it was for Hylis, for he believed her. The Hyaku Shiki Kai was hit by a missile fired from the last remaining Gaza-D's. The missile hit the cockpit directly and Dukey was thrown about inside. The Hyaku Shiki Kai now looked just like a giant ball of scrap metal. Dukey was inside…still breathing.

"Listen…sister…you must believe me!"

"Shut up, SHUT UP YOU LIER...AHHHH!" screamed Hylis as she grabbed her head. There was something very wrong with this mobile if she wasn't controlling it, but it controlling her. "My feelings heavy," she said as the shrinking of the pupil and growth of the iris took effect.

"I'll...I'll KILL YOU ALL HAHAAHAH!" she yelled as the mobile fortress suddenly transformed into a gigantic mobile suit looking Gundam of unknown origin. The in progressed Rick Dias swooped in and grabbed the Hyaku Shiki Kai, but it was caught as the Jubeley unleashed an amazing scattered display of lasers beams that literally destroyed the New England Federal Base and what was left of the Hyaku Shiki Kai. Pilots, leaders, and civilians were all caught in the crossfire. After the dust settled, the mobile suit transformed back into the fortress and vanished as what was left New England Federal Base was nothing but desert waste land.

Dukey crawled out of whatever was left of the cockpit and rolled over to see Titans' officers. They grabbed him and took him to a prison where they locked him up. Dukey laid there in the cell, feeling nothing but pain. Titans' doctors looked at him and did all they could do to try and stop the bleeding. "I have...a sister..."
Last edited by Darkerangel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 22: "I am my father's child."

Frame 22: Prison Cell

Verin had taken the lone female AEUG pilot back to Grenada and after handing her over to more proper officials he had went out to resume patrol however, fortune did not shine on him. Despite patrolling not too far from base he had stumbled upon large number of unknown enemy forces. Needless to say he fought well and almost had the upper hand if not for an anti mobile suit cannon damaged his thrusters leaving him immobile. Had it been Earth the battle wouldn't be over but in space he was a rag doll and ultimately forced to surrender. Both he and his mobile suit were being taken to the Stratos base prison. It was secure and would be a safe place to hold the unique mobile suit. Given the damage it had done to the fleet it was harder to simply scrap then one might think.

Back on Earth, Hylis brought the Jubeley back in one piece as scientists assisted and helped take off her special normal suit. They stood back and gasped when they took off the helmet, seeing that Hylis now had the upper part of her hair dark purple and the lower half blonde.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a brother Doctor Weaver?" asked Hylis.

"Wha..what?" she said.

"Do not lie, I have a brother," informed Hylis, changing her clothing.

"Yes...yes you have an older brother. From my understanding, his name is Dugan Deikun and this was hidden from the both of you because unlike his your destiny is clear," explained Doctor Weaver.

"This changes everything," said Hylis, walking out of the room wearing a purple military uniform shirt which formed a ruffled skirt at the bottom, black high stocks, and knee high purple boots. Even Doctor Weaver who has no Newtype abilities felt it…Hylis changed. She is different…was this the Jubeley's doing…affect?

Hylis made her way to the Admiral Xerces office for more questioning.

"Ensign the rumors are true, Char does have an heir," said Xerces, sitting down in a leather chair.

"What does this have to do with me?" she asked.

"I am the ruler of Neo-Zeon. Everything your father once had is now mine. You are his daughter yet you side yourself with the Titans? I want know why?" he asked. She walked over toward him and said,

"To get military experience and to increase my Newtype potential. Also, you are right about one thing Admiral."

"And what is that?" he asked while she bent over to whisper in his ear,

"I am my father's child." She quickly pulled out a handgun from behind and shot the Admiral in his chest three times. "What's yours is mine, what's mines isn't yours."

Two guards rushed in, causing her to back flip over pass them and shot the left guard in the head and then fired two more shots at the guard on the right.

"AHH! You twisted bitch!" shouted the guard in pain.

"What can I say…I'm sick and twisted and I love it!" said Hylis seductively. "Now scream for me baby. HAhahahaha!" she said with a smile as she jammed her fingers into the bullet holes, increasing his pain,


Rock had to commend the efforts of his comrades. He had helped strategize the battle, but he had no idea how much of a success it became. Patting various pilots on the back, Rock decided to let them enjoy their little moment of glory. It would build up morale.

Rock turned seeing Hylis walking down the staircase in which he congratulated her by saying, "Nice job out on the field Ensign."

"Thank you. A part of me wished you were there, but then the other half am glad you wasn't and is safe and alive," she said back.

"I wish I could've fought alongside you as well, but orders are orders," Rock replied to Hylis. "Besides, they needed me as a tactician."

"I see, and was the delivery of the cargo smooth. No trouble from the enemy?" she asked.

"It all went smoothly although…" Rock replied, when suddenly a buzzer went off, "What the hell?" he asked, getting a close up on the U.M.S. and instantly recognizing it, "Monoxide...I should've kept a closer eye on that bastard," he said, looking at a screen.

"Ah, he must be ready. Go and help him, I must go and do some interrogations," she said to him.

Dukey sat up slowly, awake from what was going on outside.

"I feel a life has been lost…Hylis what have you done?" Dukey peered out the barred window and watched what was going on outside. "An intruder?"

Alexis woke inside of a med bay, with bandages on her torso. "Must have gotten hurt during the battle..." she thought, while examining her surroundings. She soon seen a plate of food, and assumed it was for her. As she went to reach for it, an AEUG soldier came in.

"Ahh, you're awake. I am Gem Zerez a Civilian Scientist; it seems you almost ran out of air just as you got to the base."

"Where am I?" asked Alexis

"Why you're in my medical bay, which in turn is inside Grenada. I would tell you more but, for now eat up..." Gem and Alexis talked for sometime, and soon he turned around to leave, but said, "Oh and one last thing...Admiral Setzbar wishes to see you when you are finished here. When he heard about your mobile suit, his interest was...curious."

Alexis, who was eating at the time tilted her head in a curious manner, "Courush?" she asked with a mouth full of food.

"Now now, eat up, and I'll take you to the Admiral"

Then the second shuttle had to haul the survivors from both shuttles back to Grenada where they reported their mission. There the Raider was parked, with nobody to pilot it. Everyone had thought Dukey and Zach to be dead. The Raider was shortly given to Captain Athens Fritz. He was one of the best Captains in the AEUG and would definitely put the Raider to good use. Other than the new captain, the Raider team remained the same.

Hylis headed down into the prison cell. One in particular in Cell Block B, she slid the small door window to the side.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 23: "Yugo, you must get to Dukey and kill Zach,"

Frame 23: Killer Found

Meanwhile at Grenada, Captain Athens was in a meeting with Admiral Setzbar.

"You mean to tell me that you believe that Neo-Zeon is merely using the Titans until they can find a weakness?"

"Yes Captain. Do not fear this alliance, for I believe it will end soon. We must first rid the Earth Sphere of the Titans before we can hope to destroy the Neo-Zeon."

"Yes sir!"

"You and the Raider team will take your new ship to Luna II. There you will join up with a second attack force. Do your best to wipe out as many Titans forces as you can! The Titans are weaker now than ever before. Why else would they side with Neo-Zeon? Leave now Captain and when you return, my men will have a new mobile suit waiting for you. That is…if you survive."

"I will not fail you Admiral!" Captain Athens and the Raider team launched and headed across the Earth Sphere toward Luna II.

Back at Stratos, as Verin waited in his cell, he simply took the time to access the state of the war. Much couldn't be said except that things were reaching the crisis point for both sides. The question was whether this would be the climax or just a close call.

Zach woke up…he was on the floor. Everything was dark and disorientated.

"Where am I?"
Zach looked around, all he saw was bars. Was he imprisoned? He didn't remember much, he was going after Dukey and then everything went white…a cracked mirror was on the wall on the far side, it was filthy but Zach could see the bandage on his head, he took it off. An enormous cut went from his forehead to his cheek bone. "That's going to scar pretty badly..." He looked around, there had to be a way out somewhere.

"Okay...take me to your captain," Alexis said to Gem. Alexis had a low cut pink-ish hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a long skinny orange shirt, with white high up shorts, orange gloves, and orange and white boots.

"Follow me please." They walked down a corridor, Alexis grabbed her stomach, and groaned, "Uhh, haven't had real food for days, and I probably won't keep it down..."

"Gem! Where the hell have you bee…oh…and who's this?" asked Elly, walking over toward them.

"Ah Elly, I would like you to meet Alexis Morvalia. Alexis this is Elly Van Houten Blues.

"Hi," said Alexis. All three of them continued walking,

"So Alexis…what's your story. Why were you drifting away?" asked Gem.

"My team was attack by some sort of group. They wiped us out, only I survived."

"Really?" asked Elly. "Who was the group?"

"That's the thing; I've never seen them before. It doesn't matter, he wasn't with them," she said.

"He?" asked Elly.

"You see, I was enlisted into the AEUG after parents died due to conflicts between the four nations, and I vowed to find the pilot of the Gundam that killed my parents and exact revenge!" he answered with hurt in her eyes.

Elly felt her pain…similar to hers, but this pain went deeper. Beyond the girl's control. Revenge itself darkened the girl's heart.

"Do you know who the pilot was?" asked Elly.

Within a holding room, a moth landed on Yugo's shoulder.

"Hello Yugo." Yugo looked around first and then back at the moth,


"Yugo, you must get to Dukey and kill Zach," said the moth, slowly flapping its wings up and down.

"Bu…but I don't wanna. Why should I do it?" asked Yugo.

"You must do it Yugo because if you don't I can turn your mind into a living hell. Every nightmare, every pain, every emotional torment well scar you for…the rest of your life," explained the moth as the room started to spin. "Do you want me to unleash it…do you want me to release hell…Yugo?"

"…no," said Yugo in fear.

"Yugo, who are you talking to?" asked Jackson, with his back against the wall.

"Wouldn't you like to know," said Yugo as his shackles came off of him and he stood up slowly. Jackson got ready to tackle Yugo but unbeknownst to him, Yugo lifted up his hand halfway which caused Jackson to slam into the wall and to be lifted up, touching the ceiling.

"I'm so going to enjoy killing you," said Yugo with a smile, squeezing his hand. The more he squeeze, the more pain surged through Jackson's body, as if being crushed as his bones started to break and organs started to spew.

While on there way to see the Admiral, all three of them was soon bumped into,

"YOU!" shouted Alexis as Yugo Hitaki's and her eyes met. "It's you…you're the son of a bitch who killed my parents!"

Elly eyes widen as Alexis took out her knife and charged toward Yugo. He moved out of the way, causing her to miss. He pushed her in her back and sent her flying down the corridor. His eyes flashed darkly, sending a shocking pulse of energy directly into the mentally of Gem and Elly when they looked into his eyes. They suddenly felt lost in his own reality and mental state as memories of troubling personal events kept playing in their minds over and over again.

"AH!" screamed Elly, falling to the ground, grabbing her head, seeing her brother die over and over. Then Yugo snapped out of it, seeing that Alexis began to stand and he ran off to the mobile suit deck.

"Alexis, are you okay?" asked Gem, running over to help her up after gaining back control over his mind.

"Dammit! He was a member of the AEUG all along?" he questioned. She got away from Gem and ran after him.

"AHHH!" screamed Elly. Gem turned and ran over, seeing a blood bath belonging to a soldier named Jackson as his nametag floated above the red liquid trail.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Episode 24: "You killed my parents!"

Frame 24: Exact Revenge

"HAA!" shouted Alexis, tackling Yugo to the floor. She pulled out her knife again and pressed herself on top of Yugo and began forcing the knife down on him. Yugo used his arm to push the knife back away from him,

"You killed my parents!" shouted Alexis.

"The look on their faces when I slit their throats was so promising," confirmed Yugo with a smile. Alexis hazel eyes widen as her anger increased to pure hatred for this person. Hatred for this psychotic bastard who played God and took her only family away from her just for the shits and giggles. Yugo's eyes turned to a darker shade as Alexis found herself lost in her own mind. She soon was reliving the events that had taken place before coming to Grenada. A mobile suit shot and blew off her R-siren's shoulder armor off,

"AH!" she murmured, seeing that blood was sliding down her arm. Yugo smiled as a flash of another memory took over Alexis. The R-siren was kicked back which in reality sent Alexis flying off of Yugo as he jumped up to run to the mobile suit deck.

"Alexis!" shouted Gem as she flew straight into him. "You're hurt," he said, looking at her shoulder.

"I don't care!" she yelled, pushing him away.

"Ah, there you are Scythe," said Yugo, seeing his mobile suit. He quickly got his mobile suit together and took off,

"NO!" yelled Alexis.

"Alexis, he's gone," said Elly, wrapping her arm around Gem.

"I had him and…no, I would give up my life than let that demon of a Newtype escape," she said and loaded into her mobile suit.

"Alexis stop! Your mobile suit is too damage," reminded Gem. But it was too late and Alexis took off after Yugo.

Back on Earth, Dukey froze all of a sudden. "I'm not alone in here. I can sense someone else…Zach?" Dukey laid down holding his chest in pain. The nurses had finally stopped the bleeding, but had to wrap up his chest due to some bruised ribs.

Monoxide contacted the Lieutenant Commander of the Titans. "I'll be coming in person to bring the new upgrades," Monoxide said before he got in his Jet mobile suit in its mobile armor mode.

Monoxide entered through the Earth's atmosphere and made it a few feet away from the base waiting for a docking station to open for him Monoxide waited outside the base.

Yugo hovered above Grenada, waiting for Alexis to come. The front and back of his long shoulder armor began to open up as he said softly,

"This should be fun."

"DAMN YOU!" shouted Alexis, whipping out her beam rifle. She fired a couple of beam shots which the Scythe dodged. The R-siren left hand took out a beam saber as the Scythe took out a twin beam saber. She fired two more shots which the Scythe spun its saber around as the beams hit. Yugo then lunged toward Alexis as their sabers clashed.

"You think you can stop me? You're nothing but a pathetic Oldtype!" shouted Yugo as he slashed off the R-siren's left arm.

"It ain't over!" shouted back Alexis as she blew off the Scythe's right leg.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" screamed Yugo, charging.

"Then I'll take you down with ME!" shouted Alexis, charging her R-siren.

"NOOOAAOHAAHAH!" screamed Yugo unexpectedly as the R-siren ducked and moved, crashing straight into the cockpit, causing both mobile suits to explode.

Back in Grenada, Elly was speechless, seeing the whole fight on screen. Was this her fate…will revenge lead her down a path to her own death. The thought caused her to pass out into Gem arms.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 25: "ZACH!"

Frame 25: Beautiful Danger

The ground split and opened up, revealing a docking port for Monoxide. Lt. Newbark came out to greet him.

Monoxide slowly lowered the huge ship in its form. He then jumped out and shook hands with the Lt. Newbark, "I'm ready to install the equipment and I want my pay." Some Neo-Zeon soldiers came in to assist,

"Thank you Monoxide, but your assistance isn't needed anymore. We'll take it from here. Here is your payment, all in cash," said Lt. Newbark handing Monoxide a briefcase.

"I think my assistance is needed," said Monoxide while looking at Lt. Newbark. Monoxide took the briefcase and turned to his ship and began walking up to it to get the parts. Lt. Newbark gave the soldiers the signal to help assist Monoxide with the cargo.

Andrew just started to walk around, tuning the guitar. Around the corner he saw Hylis and the prisoner, he quickly went back around and put his back against the wall, listening.

Zach turned to his right…Dukey was trying to contact with him, but there was nobody there anymore. It was like he had been blocked off…

"Dukey are you there? I'm in a cell somewhere…" He concentrated to his full power; he somehow just knew it would get through to him.

Dukey touched his aching head. He felt Zach again. "Zach, I can sense you, you ARE here! Listen…our cells mustn't be too far apart. I think I can convince Hylis to let us out of here, after all she IS my sister." Dukey sat up and tried to sense any other members of his team. There were a few locked up, but most of the crew escaped and made it back to Grenada in the Raider.

"Hello Zach." A female voice entered into Zach's mind…It sounded familiar.

This has to be who is intercepting… he thought.

"Who are you?" asked Zach to the unknown female voice.

Monoxide hit a button on his wrist watch as his cargo bay opened. "This way in there in a brown crate hit anything else and an alarm will be activated and you will be killed."

Meanwhile, Captain Athens and the Raider had arrived at Luna II. They had met up with the secondary attack force and had begun their attack on the main Titans' base.

"Now men, fight this battle to avenge the comrades that you lost in New Guinea! Kill ALL Titans' forces!" The entire Raider team launched in their Rick Dias II accepted the Sergeant who was piloting the ship. Captain Athens launched in his Rick Domias and the battle began.

"Zach...its me, Hylis."Zach turned his head seeing Hylis on the other side of the thought hard on that statement.

"...Hylis?" There was a white flash, in a flashback style Hylis was talking to Dukey, remembering when they first met, "What you can do is um, introduce me to your little friend over there." "... Hylis! Where's Dukey?"

"You mean my brother? Oh…he's around. We had a powerful connection back at the mall. I don't want you to fight anymore...end this...join people need a ruler and I am it. A Queen needs her King," she offered.

Then it happened, Zach felt the energy between them rise. It coiled around him, building and thickening and swirling in between them. The cell room floor was warm and smooth beneath his shoes, and he felt like if he opened up his mind fully he would fly off and go through the ceiling into the sky. He saw the white ceiling waver and dissolve to show him the deep indigo night and the white and yellow stars popping out of the sky so brightly. Awestruck, he gazed into Hylis' soulless purple eyes, seeing the infinite possibilities of the universe where before there had been only her eyes.

Zach felt himself slipping more and more into Hylis' paradise…her "New Era." He slowly lifted up his right hand, seemingly reaching out to her.

"ZACH!" shouted Dukey mentally, snapping Zach out of the poisonous hold that was surrounding him.

"Damn! I almost had him," shouted Hylis, pissed that Dukey intervene. Hylis placed this as a small set back and headed over to Dukey's cell.
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Frame 26: A New Era

Geara Doga and Tai-Sons poured out of Luna II like crazy; they knew this could be their last stand. Captain Athens in the Rick Domias mercilessly slashed through wave after wave of Tai-Sons. "This day will be the END of the Titans!" The Raider crew, not knowing that their real captain was still alive, attacked at full force hoping to get revenge.

Inside Luna II,

"Sir, half our men and fleet are missing?" said Controller A.

"What? Missing?" asked Commander Jason. All of a sudden the doors behind opened and in came Captain Steel.

"Captain...Steel? From Jupiter?" asked Commander Jason.

"The one and only," said Captain Steel as he pulled out a handgun and shot Commander Jason directly in the forehead. Everyone in the main bay was stunned as Captain Steel sat in Jason's chair.

"Hmmahaha...lets end this. This day will mark the beginning of the New Era. Make contact to the Raven-star," he ordered.

Within space, the structure base that was Londo Bell was now called the Raven-star as new members belonging to a new group unknowingly to the Earth Federation, AEUG, Neo-Zeon, and Titans' forces built a gigantic laser type system code named Andromeda.

"FIRE THE ANDROMEDA!" shouted Captain Steel. The double cannons locked on the battle field and aimed at the coordinates.

"Firing in 3, 2, 1!" counted a director who pressed the red button. The double cannons charged and a beam of white chaotic light zoomed through space at the closest to the speed of light and annihilated not only the AEUG's secondary attack force, but also half the main with one shot...death filled the hearts of all Newtypes close by that survived.

"HAHAHAHA...the New Era starts now," stated Captain Steel.

Captain Athens lucked out as he was a few yards away from the laser beam. He had just gotten a broadcast from Admiral Setzbar before hand.

"You are to retreat! We have been given reports that Captain Dukey Aznable of the Raider is still alive and has been taken prisoner by the Titans back on Earth. His life has been offered as a peace settlement." Captain Athens radioed the Admiral back.

"Have you no idea what has just happened! The enemy fired a powerful cannon, destroying over half of the total attack force!" The Admiral paused for a moment, and then spoke by saying, "The Titans…have been overthrown. Retreat now before more lives are lost!"

Captain Athens shook his head and opened communications with his men.

"Continue to attack Luna II! We can not rest until it is destroyed! This is a direct order from Admiral Setzbar!"

"The Admiral's a fool to run! He thinks it's because of Newtypes that an Oldtype like myself doesn't stand a chance. I'LL SHOW HIM!"thought Athens, as the Raider team turned on the cannon, leaving their backs exposed to the attacking Titans on Luna II.

Decked out in his green and white piloting suit, Leon settled into his cockpit, revving up his dark blue Geara Doga's systems, "Alright men, our mission is simple," he said on his radio. "Give the Alpha Squadron support in defeating the Raider. If they fail, the mission will fall upon our shoulders," Leon then readied himself as the countdown for launch began, "All systems go!" Leon replied, launching out into space. His men were quickly following him, "Alright men, Omicron formation! All heavy infantry units fire upon enemy engines. All light infantry shall provide cover. Now move!" he shouted, his men taking position and opening fire upon the Raider team.

The Sergeant backed off in the Raider and radioed the Captain.

"Captain Athens, sir! The Titans are attacking the Raider directly! I need some support!" Captain Athens began firing toward Luna II,

"Fight back you fools! The Raider isn't considered the most powerful ship ever made for nothing!" The Sergeant ignored Athens' orders and shot off a bunch of signal flares. It then began to turn around.

"This ship WAS the most powerful because of what Captain Dukey made it into. I am NOT letting it get sunk out here! I order everyone to retreat!" demanded the Sergeant. Captain Athens halted his attack on Luna II and turned to face the Raider.

"I AM THE CAPTAIN! YOU WILL ALL TAKE ORDERS FROM ME!" Using the advanced cameras of the Rick Domias, Captain Athens zoomed in on the bridge of the Raider and fired one shot, taking out the bridge and the Sergeant inside. "Now…LET US CONTINUE!"

"Killing your own men?" Leon exclaimed, angered by the actions that Captain Athens had performed. "You dishonorable bastard!" and with that, Leon fired his round of ammunition straight at the Captain.

The Captain dodged the shots, just barely. If he were in any other mobile suit, the shot would have been a direct hit, but the Rick Domias managed to avoid it. Captain Athens fired back at the pilot, but missed repetitively. He then maxed out his thrusters and darted behind a asteroid and said,

"No Titan is going to put an end to my new team! And no AEUG member is going to take off with MY SHIP!"

Leon saw the mobile suit speeding toward him, "Single combat, eh? My apologizes, but this is war not a fair game," he said, this time launching his 4 x grenade launcher from his shield. Captain Athens took out his clay bazooka and fired.

He then dashed toward Leon and knocked him back with a powerful kick.

"Stay out of my way! I have no time for you!" Captain Athens opened fire on the Luna II once again, this time he hits a critical point. Just then a bunch of new model mobile suits begin attacking the Raider team.

"Captain, we can't handle them, they're too powerful!" Captain Athens turned and shot the mobile suit that put out that transmission.

"Listen up! I am your Captain and you will ALL do as I say! Now take out these new models while I finish off our mission!"
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 27: ""

Frame 27: Manipulation

As Verin waited in his cell, he simply took the time to assess the state of the war. Much couldn't be said except that things were reaching the crisis point for both sides. The question was whether this would be the climax or just a close call.

"I may have been made prisoner by this…um faction, but nothing seems to very different. How long do they intend on holding me up? Either kill me or release me already," he said to himself still wearing his battered AEUG pilot uniform and surprisingly still holding a grin. At this rate he would have let himself out. But he simply needed to find out the location of a mobile suit he could seize. He preferred his if it hadn't already been scrapped by now.

"So you must be Verin Mumei?" she asked, almost passing the cell.

Verin looked over the woman talking to him and simply shrugged, "I was a prisoner last I checked," he said wondering who this woman was and what she was planning on doing.

"I am Hylisesia Khan Deikun. I sense great pain within you Verin. You've lost so many comrades, and seeing some of them die right in front of your eyes must have been traumatizing. I...offer you the peace you are searching for. War is like a picture...a picture that can be altered in many ways. Join me apart of my New Era?" asked Hylis.

Verin stood at his full height and looked to her; soon he was trapped as swirling energy coiled around him, becoming stronger and stronger. He reached for the stars, feeling the energy pressing against his backbone. He lowered his hand and pressed his clasped fist against his chest. He started breathing in warmth and white light and felt his worries melting away. This force blocked out any and everything else outside his world.

The bars opened and Hylis extended her hand. Without hesitating he opened up his hand and stretched it out. They locked hands and Hylis grinned, knowing he was now under her manipulation.


"" Dukey turned around to see Hylis, standing where his cell door once was.

"Hylis…what have you done? Why are you here doing this?" Dukey asked, still struggling to speak from all the pain he was still suffering from. He walked over to his bed and sat down.

"What have I done? I've only rid us of the monster who stole...our father's Empire. I'm here to make just and set forth the New Era," she said. Suddenly a transmission link was sent to Grenada to the AEUG's Admiral. The link was directly from the Titans' leader Admiral Maren as he paged in.

"Hylis! What the hell do you think you are doing! Especially to Zach?" asked Dukey, finding the strength to raise his voice.

"I'm offering him a chance to start a future with me. To be apart of what I'm about to create…and now the offer arrives to you. Join me brother. Neo-Zeon's throne is rightfully yours. Be by my side. The AUEG has done nothing but lied to you...using and abusing your abilities, money, and gifts. You are nothing to them. Nothing more than the son of the Red Comet and in their eyes, they'll turn on you...turn on you in fear. Fear that one day you will walk father's path...but what they don't know is that today. We can do great things, but I need you. You need me. So join apart of my New Era," said Hylis strong and convincingly.

Dukey didn't want to believe Hylis' words. The AEUG has been the only family he has ever truly known. And to think that they are only using him,

"NO! You're twisted Hylis, what is going on…this isn't you. You're forcing people to join you…why!"

"Fine Dukey. If you do not join me then you are my enemy. Stay away dear older brother, for if I see you in the battlefield...I will not hold back, I will kill you," said Hylis as Lt. Newbark walked in, giving Hylis the signal. She slid her ID-card and Dukey's bars opened,

"You and Zach are coming with us to Dakar...our Admiral is about to make an announcement...for peace," said Hylis.

Lt. Newbark came and took Dukey while Hylis went and grabbed Zach. Both Zach and Dukey were chained up and boarded an air craft. The craft took flight and quickly headed for Dakar.

Back at the base, Andrew headed over to help Rene Vanderath with making sure everything was in order for a big move. Rock watched Monoxide carefully as the cargo came out of the ship.

"Alright, you can leave now Monoxide," said Rock, folding his arms. Monoxide looked at Rock like whom the hell were you?

"How come I get the feeling you don't like me?" he asked.

"Because I don't. You're a shady person…you know this, I know this and soon the rest of the team will know. Funny how you're connected to the Earth Federation leader Meitzer Ronah," explained Rock.


"I asked a specialist named Rene Vanderath to run a background check on you. You are a very hard person to track—considering you're using a fake name."

"So what if I am. Seeing that it's none of your business, I refused to be a tool in his fairytale dream," explained Monoxide.

"You think I'm going to believe that story?" asked Rock.

"You don't have to believe it," said Monoxide, walking up toward Rock.

"Guards! Take Monoxide away!" ordered Rock.

"WHAT?" Guards started to surround Monoxide. On reaction, Monoxide spun the briefcase around, knocking them down as he let it go. Rock swung his first and hit Monoxide directly in his face. Monoxide stumbled back, but swung the case again, pushing Rock back as he then ran aboard his craft. Rock pulled out and fired a pistol shot. Monoxide craft took off without a trace.

"Damn," said Rock.

"I'll get you for this Lt. Rock, I swear it!" shouted Monoxide.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 28: "HAIL NEMESIS!"

Frame 28: Birth of an Era

The air craft made its way to a desert-like environment where it landed on a deck. Hylis and Lt. Newbark stepped out while soldiers brought Zach and Dukey out of the craft and inside the broadcast building.

Zach looked up at his shackles, he could see a weak point, and if he could just hit it there they would fall off completely. For fear of Hylis finding out, Zach didn't project this knowledge to Dukey. He just looked over. Dukey didn't look injured too badly...Zach just had a gash on his head. They could get out of here, but not without a big fight. His mind desperately told him not to accept Hylis' proposition, but his heart wanted him too.

"She's so beautiful though..." he thought.

Dukey looked over to Zach, he had taken the explosion harder then himself. Dukey's face was all cut up and his ribs were bruised up, but Zach looked almost unable to walk. "Zach…I know you want out of here, but you cannot trust Hylis. Not now at least."

Dukey smiled, you could tell it pained his face to move in such a way. The cuts on his lips split further and he looked over at Hylis. Dukey, Zach, and a few Raider crewmen, were placed against a wall. Hylis turned and approached Zach as she gently traced the line of his gash on his face. Zach turned his attention back to Hylis again... she was so gorgeous. He hadn't seen a female this beautiful in so long. A female that could rival and play with his mentality. Her long purple and blonde hair swayed a bit on his skin when she moved. Zach stopped staring for fear he'd be caught.

"Why Zach...why did you wait so long to come into my life. If only we met before I joined the Titans...would things have been different?" she whispered, knowing that he could still hear her. She leaned in and kissed his cheek, showing what may be the final signs of her humanity. She turned and her and Dukey's eyes met. Dukey's piercing golden colored green eyes widen, seeing compassion in hers. It was like the real Hylis was crying out to him, screaming for help until the soulless side of her nature engulfed and took over.

Hylis' smile was short lived as it faded away. She headed into a dressing room as Admiral Maren, leader of the Titans walked on stage and began his speech for a peace treaty.

"My fellow Earth Federation and AEUG...I am Admiral Maren Munn, leader of the Titans. Xerces, leader of Neo-Zeon was found dead two days ago. I...I grow weary of this war...look at me, I am old and tired...I lived my life and now I want these men and women to live theirs." The cameras in the room was sending this all a crossed the world and through out space. "As my offering," said Admiral Maren as a soldier brought Dukey and Zach in,

"You are free to go," he said, unlocking their chains. "May this be the first step to peace between us once and for all?"

Dukey grabbed Zach, holding him up. He was in shock, but somehow he knew something like this was about to happen. Something wasn't feeling quite right to him though.

Zach looked around. He looked to Dukey who definitely felt something was wrong too. "We need to get out of here..."he thought.

"Peace? There will be no peace," said Hylis, walking out on stage wearing a very revealing red hot dress. The dress was shredded at the bottom exposing some leg, cut at the top which made it seem loose because she was braless. She also had on a black belt, and black stripper boots. Her upper part of her hair dark purple and the lower half blonde.

Hylis pulled out a handgun, aiming it at the Admiral's heart and pulled the trigger, killing him in front of millions as some gasped and screamed.

"Both the leaders of Neo-Zeon and Titans are now dead by my hands. If any of you disagree with my methods, then file charges against me after this war is over because. Peace? No! There will be no peace for we are the future! I am the new heir and leader to both Neo-Zeon and the Titans. We will be united as one thus under the name...Elite Forces of Nemesis. We have fought continuously until now when our strength is that or greater than of the AEUG's and Earth Federation combine?

My fellow citizens! I say it is because what we are fighting for is supreme! For centuries, our ancestors have extended the Earth Federation's control over space! How many times have the Earth Federation stomped our dreams and demands for freedom. God will not abandon us, Nemesis so long as every one of us is fighting for this freedom.
I am the daughter of Char Aznable and Haman Khan, beloved by you all has died in the hands of the Earth Federation and AEUG forces! Why? Our history demands that we, the superior nation must siege control of this New Era and dominate!

My father said that the 'rebirth of man shall begin with us the new mankind, those who live in space!' All of you have lost fathers, sons, and love ones to the AEUG and Earth Federation senseless resistance! Keep this anger and hatred alive within you! That is what my father and mother died for…to show us the way!

If we gather this hatred we share and use it to destroy the AEUG and Earth Federation then true victory will be the ultimate vindication to all of those who have died in this unfortunate conflict.

Members of AEUG and Earth Federation hear me…join us to make Char Aznable's legacy an ideal reality. If you do not join then we the Elite Forces of Nemesis will have no choice, but to consider you as an enemy...soldiers and civilians!

My People! My people transform this grief into rage and rise up out of the ashes and show how this day made us stronger, prouder, and more powerful than before! I Hylisesia Khan Deikun, hereby in the eyes of everyone, crown myself Princess of Nemesis!

Never forget Newtypes that we, the superior race shall save mankind in our New Era! HAIL Nemesis!" People in the room...something took over them, they started seeing this New Era. People out of left and right started chanting, "HAIL NEMESIS!" Few members belonging to the Federation and AEUG couldn't resist what Hylis had to offer and started chanting as if in a trance.

Hylis quickly stepped off the stage and ran back to the air craft with Lt. Newbark and took off, leaving Zach and Dukey behind. This day...marked the new movement for Neo-Zeon and Titans are united now under the name Nemesis or Elite Forces of Nemesis, lead by Hylis.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 29: "Come…if you dare."

Frame 29: Mentality sharpens Ambitions

Dukey grabbed Zach and they hauled ass out of there. Dukey stole a Titans' ship and left Earth's atmosphere.

"We're going to Grenada!" This day was a day that nobody would forget. Neo-Zeon and the Titans were joined. The majority of the Neo-Zeon's forces had joined the Elite Forces of Nemesis, and the Titans did so as well. Friends and family members, AEUG, or Federation who heard Hylis' message and believe in her New Era followed her. This new faction would be made up of members from all factions. This new threat was an enemy to all.

"What in the HELL was that about? We need to get our mobile suits," asked Zach.

"What happened to yours?" asked Dukey.

"I…I don't remember. I'm guessing it's gone like your Kai." Dukey looked over to Zach and said,

"Well…the silver Hyaku Shiki and Gundam Nova should be at Grenada, we'll pick them up right after we speak with Admiral Setzbar."

Captain Athens heard this broadcast and agreed that it was time for a change. He had spoken with the former Titans that he was just fighting, and he told them that he would join the Elite Forces of Nemesis. They accepted him of course, because they could not refuse the Raider. Captain Athens and the Raider was shipped to the old Londo Bell base, rebuilt and now called the Raven-star, so that he could meet with Hylis as soon as possible.

Back as the Stratos base, Rene spoke with Rock, Andrew, and Verin. Orders from Princess Hylis explaining Andrew and Verin will stay on Earth and tend to the Stratos base. While Rock was to head over to the Raven-star. The cargo left by Monoxide was also shipped to the Raven-star. Along with Hylis' mobile suit Gundam which was so big, it couldn't go inside a ship, so it had to be lifted instead.

Upon reaching Stratos, Hylis and Lt. Newbark boarded Hylis' personal ship called the Caesar. When everything was just right the ship took off and headed for the former Londo Bell base.

"So this was your big plan," said Lt. Newbark.

"It's only the beginning," smiled Hylis as a server poured her some wine in a slim shaped glass. The Caesar made it out of Earth's orbit and upon traveling,

"Ma'am, enemy vessel is approaching," informed Controller A.

"What? How?" asked Lt. Newbark.

"…let them pass."

"You can't be serious?" asked Lt. Newbark. The cruiser and ship passed by when suddenly everything froze in time as the area around Hylis turned foggy, represented in the colors of red and purple blending into the background,

"Wha...what's this sensation?" she asked herself. Within the cruiser, all of a sudden everything froze as well.

"This pressure…it's rigged with heavy explosives," felt Elly, turning her head toward the window and for an instant both her and Hylis' eyes met. "YOU!" shouted Elly as the time converted back to normal. Elly quickly got out her seat,

"Elly? What's up, what's going on?" asked Gem. She said nothing and ran toward her mobile suit that as on board. Elly jumped inside her ARX-7 Arbalest which was a new model mobile suit with the colors of light and dark grey.

"Elly don't!" shouted Gem, running after her.

"I must…I must avenge my brother."

"And my heart goes out to you, it really does, but this isn't the way. Haven't you learned anything?" he asked. She thought for a minute, remembering how revenge and hatred brought nothing, but more pain and eventually death especially to Alexis. This wasn't who she was…could she really take another person's life?

"Elly!" yelled Gem, but it was too late. She had already closed the hatch on the mobile suit and then took off.

"What's going on?" asked Chorizo Rojo, a Federation officer after hearing the commotion.

When the Arbalest arrived, to Elly surprise the ReGelg was right there…as if waiting for her.

"Come…if you dare," smiled Hylis.

"DAMN YOU!" shouted Elly and charged forward. Their sabers soon locked,

"Huh? A weakling girl?"

"You killed my brother…and now I'm here to kill you." The Arbalest pushed off and as its thrusters maneuvered it back. The ReGelg took out its beam rifle and began to fire.

"You're brother was a fool…stepping up against me."

"He was a good man with a bright future…and you took that away from him," said Elly, dodging the fire until one hit. Elly maneuvered her joystick which caused the Arbalest to pull out its beam cannon using the left hand.

"I can careless who lives and who dies," said Hylis.

"Then you're just as I thought. A cold hearted selfish bitch!" Elly fired three shots. Two of them Hylis was able to dodge, but the last one blew off her shield.

"Enough, I grow tired of this game. Now let me show you how we big gals play," said Hylis while grinning as the four long funnel-like missile pods ejected from the ReGelg's back. They soon spun around each other and merged together, creating one pod. "Join him now and DIE!"

"ELLY!" shouted Gem as his mobile suit rammed into the Arbalest. This was successful before the beams hit, but before Elly lost consciousness, she reached out and screamed Gem's name. The four beams came in as one and hit the cockpit of Gem's mobile suit, destroying both in the explosion.

By the time Chorizo got out there, Hylis had already disappeared. Seeing Elly's mobile suit drifting away, he headed over, "C'mon little missy."

"Get the mediate ready down on Earth," informed Chorizo to his commander on the com.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Episode 30: "Dammit! The Raider team…gone,"

Frame 30: A New Horizon

Captain Athens arrived at the Raven-star,

"I'm here to see Miss Hylis?" The guards pointed him in the Princess' main chamber. It took Hylis about a half hour to reach the base and once out of the transporter, she was informed and headed for her the main chamber. Hylis came in and sat in her chair in a throne-like environment with her legs crossed. She looked into Captain Athens' pale tiger-like eyes; the thirst for more revenge…more power was in them.

"Captain Athens, what gift do you bring if I were to accept your proposal?" she asked.

"Lt. Rock're still here?" asked Rene, carrying a box of files.

Rock jumped a bit, being startled, but turned to see Rene. "Oh, hello Rene. Yeah, I'm still here. Guess a war dog like me needs to be pushed to move."

"Hahuh," she giggled while fumbling with the box as she tried pushing her glasses back up to her face with her shoulder. "Well in that case maybe its time for that war dog to hang up his collar and run free for a while?" she added.

"Not at a time like this", Rock replied. "There's too much at stake in this war for me to suddenly take off. You know that, Rene."

"Well in that case, I suggest you get a move on then. Remember, you're not a Titan anymore so take this time to find yourself before you lose yourself in this war," said Rene. She said her goodbyes as Andrew came and helped her with the box.

Captain Athens laughed then looked up at Hylis. He turned on a video screen that ha had in his coat pocket and handed it to a guard to give to Hylis.

"You see that Miss. Hylis…that is the Raider, in YOUR hangar! It comes with me, along with my life of service. I am here to prove to you that an Oldtype like myself can stand up to any Newtype any day. Please accept my gift and allow me to join the Elite Forces of Nemesis."

"That's Princess...Hylis to you captain. The Raider—interesting. Your word is now binding...your life of service will forever be mine and no one else's," said Hylis, standing up out of the chair. She walked down the stairs and approached him, "An Oldtype you say? Hmmm. Then an Oldtype I need, you'll be perfect for my...Newtype army. Now how can an Oldtype be at a Newtype level, if not higher?" asked Hylis pondering. "Hahahuh...follow me to the supply port, I want you to meet your new mobile suit," she said, walking out of the room.

Dukey and Zach made it to Grenada and they spoke with Admiral Setzbar.

"Captain…Dukey Aznable? You're alive? We had all thought that Neo-Zeon and the Titans killed you in that explosion back on Earth?"

"No sir, I'm still alive. A little beaten up, but alive. The former Admiral of the Titans released us before Hylis formed the Elite Forces of Nemesis," explained Dukey.

"Yes…I saw the broadcast. I just didn't believe you had survived."

'Well, I…we did. Anyways, what are we to do about the Elite Forces of Nemesis?" he asked.

"All I know is that they're located at the old Londo Bell base by the asteroid belt. Our sources claim that about a month ago it was relocated. We haven't had time to come up with a strategy due to our failed attack on Luna II," explained Admiral Setzbar.

"Ahh I see. Well…Zach and I will just hang tough in the Raider until you figure out what to do next." Dukey turned to leave but was stopped by Admiral Setzbar.

"Erm…Captain. I thought you were dead so I…gave your ship to Captain Athens, and he has not returned from the attack on Luna II. I believe your ship was destroyed in the attack. Last I heard someone shot directly through the bridge. I am sorry."

"Dammit! The Raider team…gone," he thought. Even though Yugo was gone, his attempt to render Dukey's mind in a state of pure rage and emotion started to consume his soul. Dukey's mental stability started to crumble, releasing his team…his family were gone, he lost some of the best pilots, and felt that he was losing his own flesh and blood sister.

"I do however have good news! We have already started working on a new ship. It is based on the Raider's data, but is more advanced and more powerful! Before the Raider set off on its last mission, we decided to copy its data and use it to make mass produced ships with its capabilities. Your new ship however, was to be Captain Athens' and the lead ship of the AEUG. Seeing that Athens has gone MIA and you're alive, the main ship is belongs to you and your new crew."

"New crew?" thought Zach.

"So what is this new Raider called Admiral?"

"It is called the Ragnarök! Now there is one final thing. We have also begun construction of brand new Gundams for you and Zach. It is the RX-98-v ³ Hi-Nu Pegasüs Gundam and Gundam Frame."

"Gundam Frame?" asked Zach curiously.

"We decided to leave it to you to give it its full official name. So basically you get to name your own machine.

"Sweet! I get to name it. Maybe, Avenger or Metallic?" thought Zach.

"The v ³ Hi-Nu Pegasüs Gundam is very much similar to the RX-93-n-2 Hi-n Gundam, piloted by Amuro Ray," explained Admiral Setzbar.

"Amuro…Ray? Why does that name sound so familiar? So close and yet so far?" Zach questioned himself.

"It is not yet completed and was supposed to be for Captain Athens, but now that you're alive I want you to have it Captain Dukey."

"Thank you sir! Until then, the silver Hyaku Shiki will do just fine!"

"Same goes for my Nova," added Zach.

"Yes, about that Captain Zach. We took your Nova and combining it with the new technology that was in the Nebula, thus creating the Gundam Frame," said Admiral Setzbar.

"Ah, I see."

"You two are dismissed! The Ragnarök is down in hangar bay H." Dukey and Zach set off to go view their new ship.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Episode 31: "Dukey what the hell are those things!"

Frame 31: An Investigation Gone Wrong

Dukey and Zach arrived at hangar H and saw the Ragnarök. Standing outside of the Ragnarök were the fully repaired silver Hyaku Shiki and the Gundam Frame. The Ragnarök, like the Raider but bigger, was a dark green color, had only one main cannon on the belly of the ship, but it was at least twice as powerful as the Raider's Hyper Energy Cannons. Dukey ran inside and sat in the captain's chair. Everything was similar to the Raider on bridge so it all felt natural to him.

"They did an awesome job! What do you think Zach?"

"Remarkable. Should we get the mobile suits on board and get out of here?" asked Zach.

Dukey nodded and they left to see about the mobile suits. Both his, Zach, and a couple of Sharads boarded the new ship. The K1L-002 Sharad are a more up to date version a Nemo.

"Well…since the Admiral doesn't know what to do, what do you say we try to find out what the hell happened at Luna II?" suggested Dukey.

"Yeah, let's go and investigate," said Zach eagerly.

"Captain Dukey Aznable. We have been assigned to be your new crew. We are the Ragnarök Team." Dukey nodded and eyed up all of the men. Dukey liked what he saw, but would not forget about his old crew and would still continue the search for survivors. He saluted the men.

"Welcome aboard men! May I ask your uhh…name?"

"Please Captain, my name is Sergeant Vera Rosamé. The rest of the crew is made up of Petty Officers, but believe me; they all have extensive training on operating the Ragnarök." Vera would be the first female crewmember ever on Dukey's team so this should be interesting.

"Alright Sergeant Vera. Your first task will be to make sure that the Hi-Nu Pegasüs Gundam and Gundam Frame gets completed. Then you are to make sure that the Hyaku Shiki is refueled and ammo upped."

"Aye-aye Captain!"

Dukey saluted and he and Zach left for some relaxation. Dukey hopped in the captain's seat as his team started up the ship.

With the engines fired up the Ragnarök began to hover above the hangar. Vera took her position and cranked the thrusters forward and it took off.

"RAGNARÖK, LET'S MOVE OUT!" commanded Dukey. Zach sat right back in his seat next to Dukey, thinking.

"This ship is way more powerful than the Raider..."[/i[ He looked around. Dukey definitely knew what he was doing; this seemed just like the Raider. It must feel like home for him.

Dukey started hitting a few buttons on the keypad in front of him and the ship took off for Luna II. The speed was amazing, even faster than the original. It only took them about fifteen minutes to reach Earth's gravity. After that, they wrapped around to the other side of the planet and shot off in Luna II's direction. "We'll arive in approximately twenty minutes," confirmed Vera.

"Damn this thing is fast. I wonder how good this Atomic Beam Cannon is..." Zach closed his eyes, he didn't want to nap, he just wanted to rest his eyes a bit. A lot of things happened lately. His face stung here and there. The gash had healed and it was itchy at times.

"Twenty minutes huh? This thing is fast hey," he said to himself.

They arrived near Luna II as Vera kept the ship steady.

"Alright, let's go. No attacking unless I give the command. If they fire on us, just stay calm." Dukey hopped in his silver Hyaku Shiki and launched. He and his team approached Luna II and skimmed the surface of the giant asteroid using his thrusters. "Now to find a Titan soldier, we need to talk."

"You lead the way, I'll cover you," assured Zach, following in a barrowed Sharad.

Dukey looked back at the Sharad and said,

"Sounds good. If you sense something just let me know." Dukey continued on until he reached a small structure in the middle of nowhere. "What could this be? Stay here team and cover me."

Dukey moved in closer and landed in front of it. It's much larger than a mobile suit and as wide as a hangar. Dukey tried to open communications with it, but nothing happened. The Hyaku Shiki turned around to look at the Sharad Zach was piloting and said to him, "I don't understand…is this an abandoned Titan base or something? It looks like it's been used recently though…" All of a sudden the top of the building opened up and these brand new model mobile suits started spewing out.

"Dukey what the hell are those things!" informed Zach who hit his boosters and engaged with his beam saber. He swung and it went through one that was headed for Dukey. Dukey contacted the operators on his ship who informed him that these mobile suits have not been registered, but are appearing under the code name Zankou.

These unique mobile suits had grey feet, brown leg armor with grey thrusters, a think brown and grey cover for the leg joints that resemble a kilt, thick chest and shoulder pad armor, two holes on the side of their head, and an upside down yellow triangle in the middle forehead. "Could these be the mysterious mobile suits that have been randomly appearing? Could…could they be connected to the Elite Forces of Nemesis?" he pondered,

"We're going to have to fight our way out of here. We need to take one with us for questioning, now let's go!" he ordered. Dukey quickly turned around to see a group of Zankous.

The silver Hyaku Shiki pulled out both beam sabers and locks sabers with a Zankou. It then kneed it in the stomach knocking it back, and slashed through the cockpit. The Zankou exploded and another Zankou dove through the explosion at Dukey.

"How many Zankous could they have stored in there?" he asked to himself. Zach's mobile suit took out a beam saber with its left hand. He slashed at one Zankou and shot another with his beam rifle. Dukey swooped by and rotated a beam saber around and stabbed behind him taking out two Zankous.

"Hold your fire men." Suddenly the Ragnarök team noticed the Zankous ceased fire.

"What's going on?" asked Zach.

"Why if it isn't the brother of our Imperial Princess," said a pilot in a black and grey Zankou, recognizing it.

"Who are you?" asked Dukey through a com-link.

"Sergeant Laloo Satigma…you captured me remember."

"How…how did you escape Grenada?" asked Dukey.

"Easily…some nut of a Newtype—Yugo Hitaki broke out which set me free as well. He's dead now," he explained

"What? Yugo is dead?" asked Zach to himself. Dukey took this time and asked,

"Listen, I used to be the Captain of the Raider. I apologize for my forcefulness with you, but it was a mission I had to do, just as you must have missions that you regret. My men came here last aboard the Raider and I was NOT on that ship."

"Are you saying someone took your own ship?"

"Well…not exactly. I was thought to be dead, so my ship was given to another captain. Our Admiral said his name was Captain Athens. Anyways, the real reason I have come here was to see if we could find some clues to what happened to my ship and the people on-board.

"Well…from my understanding, the ship's bridge was shot out by Captain Athens. Whoever was piloting the ship at the time had been killed and most of your men were destroyed by the Titans. The rest have been taken prisoner on former Londo Bell base now called Raven-star. I am sorry, but this is all I know, and you have surpassed your welcome here, so I believe you should leave before my men kill you for real. And trust me, you'll stay dead." Dukey and his team headed back to the ship as Laloo's team moved back into the structure.
Last edited by Darkerangel on Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.