The Nexus Chronicles (multi-Crossover)

Your own tale of two mecha.
Star Dragon
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:33 pm

The Nexus Chronicles (multi-Crossover)

My story is hosted on so here's the link.

Aside from the franchises already in the fic at least several more are planned to be added. I'm having a hard time with the next chapter as multiple events are occurring in the same time and it's almost time for the M7/MII fusion arc ending and the next arc will introduce Gundam: Char's Counter Attack!

There is ONE mature/violent oriented chapter and it's disclaimered (Minmay's captivity by Edwards). it si short but very disturbing and illuminates some aspect of the Mckinney books they did not spell out.

I hope people find it entertaining...

The first few chapters are rather rough, as I've never written before, but I promise I tried harder up to the current one (Chaoter 33).